Chap. 2 A scared truth

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         "Ah Feliciano do you have a moment for me to speak to you?" he questioned standing up and walking towards him. "Si Ludwig is something wrong?" Feliciano looked confused, but he realized that it would be a good idea to follow Ludwig. "Nein nothing is wrong just follow me please" he started to walk out of the office so Ludwig an Feliciano were alone. Feliciano was scared he didn't know what was going to happen. Is Ludwig mad at me? did I do something wrong? am I going to get fired on my first day?  he was now freaking out in his head he was practically screaming. "Feliciano?" Ludwig questioned, "L-Ludwig I am sorry if I did something wrong I can correct them if you want just please don't fire me I really need this job" he was practically crying at this point. Ludwig was so confused why Feliciano was freaking out he just wanted to talk to him privately. If I was to talk to him in the office the others would make fun of me and tell me I am flirting and crushing on him.  Ludwig took a deep breath "Feliciano one why would I fire you and two all I wanted to do is talk to you in privet" he leaned onto a wall. Feliciano breath started to settle and he put his hands into his face "Ve you can make me sacred sometimes Ludwig. What is it you wanted to talk about?" he smiled. 

        Looking Ludwig in the eyes icy blue eyes met with brown caramel ones they had a click. Feliciano broke there eye contact and Ludwig stood there in shock. "Uh Ludwig? what is it that you wanted to talk about" Ludwig finally thought of what he needed to say to him "Oh well I saw how sad you were when you looked at your empty desk I was wondering if you wanted something for it?" Feliciano smiled lightly but shook his head "no its aright I have things at home" Ludwig had nothing to say besides "Ja okay no problem" he watched as Feliciano left the room. He sat down on the floor "Gott I am such a idiot why do I have to be the one that gets rejected." he looked up "well i guess it wont be bad if i just get him a gift" he thought out loud hitting his head on the wall. "There you are boss you left for a while and when Feliciano returned we were wondering why you didn't come back with him. Whats wrong now" a loud Alfred was now standing in front of Ludwig. Ludwig looked up at Alfred "nothings wrong Alfred go back to work ill meet you in a little bit" Alfred laughed a little walking away "don't stay too long boss" he left the room and Ludwig stood up thinking about what he can get Feliciano. 

          Feliciano sat at his desk and looked at his little plush cat. Arthur looked over "whats the matter little one you look kind of down" Feliciano looked up and smiled lightly "nothing its just Ludwig wanted to help me with decorating my desk its no big deal really" he sat there looking at his empty desk "but maybe I should of let him help me I don't have anything to decorate with" he started to go through some of the papers he was assigned. Ludwig walked in looking at his computer he thought of a great idea he logged onto the website that he bought his push cat from and looked at his cat and Feliciano's cat, then back at his putting three cats in the cart they were set up as Germany cat was standing on all fours and Italy cat was on his back he also added a all brown cat he was lying down lazily with his tongue laying out of his mouth. This cat represents Italy's lazy cat Pookie. he smiled ordering its good thing it only takes a day to get to my house so he ordered it and leaned back into his chair. he smiled lightly going back to his work.

        Feliciano looked at Kiku and mouthed words 'do you think i should say something to Ludwig?' Kiku nodded 'yes'. Feliciano stood up handing Ludwig papers that he finished "here you go boss I finished my work what do you need any help with anything?" Ludwig looked up at Feliciano and smiled lightly "Ja I could use you please copy these for me and I also need you to pick up these papers at the printer for me" he handed him a card to tell him where Feliciano needed to go. "you can do that for me right?" Feliciano looked at Ludwig "of course I can I am not a little child" Ludwig chuckled a little. "Okay Danke" Ludwig looked back at his computer editing the manga's manuscript. Feliciano took the papers and looked at the card "you got it boss" Feliciano smiled waking to the printer to copy and pick up pages for Ludwig. "Whats wrong with me all of the sudden I feel like my world is blowing up and its a good way, why does he look like that" he blushed a little thinking about Ludwig "why do I feel like my heart is going to explode?!?" he thought picking up the papers that were waiting on the copy machine. Feliciano turned around to be faced up with a white headed red eyed man who was tall but not as tall as Ludwig. "Eh excuse me sir i need to go back to work" Feliciano said shyly "keseseses look what we have here a newbie and hes kind of cute too wow" the man examines Feliciano scanning his body. "I can tell you are very new here I haven't seen you at all around here" he smiled wide. Feliciano noticed he had a ring on his finger "please tell me you're Gilbert" Feliciano felt a hand on his shoulder "you got it right the one and only awesome Gilbert" he giggled slightly "I met your wife she said I love you" as Feiciano said that Ludwig walked in with some papers in his hand "who do you love now?" looking down at the papers Feliciano looked at him "no I was just talking to your brother" he smiled lightly. "Ja West don't be such a bum he was just talking about my new awesome wife nothing to big. How is your non awesome love life, still a virgin I can see" Ludwig blushed looking at him "why in Gotts name would I tell you how my love life is going, you should not know im still a virgin and I don't think Feliciano needs to know that ether" he snarled at his brother blushing a deep red. "Its really no big deal I don't mind at all to be honest" Gilbert smirked at Feliciano "see even your boyfriend doesn't mind" he put his arm around Feliciano. "H-Hes not my boyfriend bruder I told you this its non of  your business to know my love life" Ludwig's blush peered onto his face red like a tomato he turned around covering it up. "S-Si me and Ludwig aren't dating were just coworkers nothing more" he blushed lightly hoping no one spots it creeping onto his face. "keseseses I was just joking Luddy don't get so worked up it was only a tease" he smirked once again "well i better be off my awesome work need my awesome attention" he soon left the room and he closed it behind him. 

         Ludwig looked and handed Feliciano more papers "well I came to drop these off to you to copy them." his face beat red he turned his face away making sure he didn't look Feliciano right in the eye. " Ah si Ludwig I can do that for you" he took the papers away from Ludwig and waked to the copy machine. "Feliciano I am very sorry you had to see that" Feliciano was confused but soon figured out what Ludwig was talking about, "its no problem Ludwig i don't really mind at all its not that a embarrassing to be honest I don't have anything to say about it" he smiled looking at him. Ludwig's face felt like it was going to met right off it was so hot he was surprised that the room didn't heat up. "are you sure your not grossed out?" he looked down "grossed out? not at all. don't worry Ludwig ill keep it a secret" he went and took the extra papers handing them to Ludwig, "here I don't really mind" he looked at his red face giggling slightly. "Danke" he took the papers and looked slightly at Feliciano. Feliciano started to walk out of the room "oh and Ludwig this is our little secret were in the same position" he snickered slightly walking out of the room. 

        "Wait Feliciano" he spoke....

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