"Seriously, what are you doing?" Dylan asked with a frown. He began to walk towards me, and I shook my head and took a step back.

"You don't have to play nice with me anymore Dyl. I know." Just the thought of his betrayal brought on a thick feeling to my throat and tears fill up in my eyes.

His frown flinched for a moment before his eyebrows went up in realisation. "How... how did you find out?" He asked, keeping his face straight from emotion.

"I read the text messages. At least it gives me a better explanation as to why you were so desperate to get me to come back here."

"I was just trying to fix things-"

"No, no, it's okay. I mean, I get why you did it. You're lucky you still have your parents Dyl. I don't think you realise just how much." I sniffed, taking another step back to leave.

"Wait, what?" Dylan's look of guilt turned into one of confusion.

"They're amazing people, and you did it because you love them. I respect that – so much so that what you did doesn't hurt as much because I love them just as much as you do."

"What do my parents have to with anything?!" He exclaimed, looking even more confused than before.

"But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stay here and let myself get killed. So I'm leaving, and I'm going to find a way to get justice for my parents. I can't stay and let you bring them here to take me-"

"Jesus." Dylan muttered to himself while shaking his head. "Ella, I don't know how your brain led you to the conclusion you're currently at; but you need to stop and come back inside so we can talk properly."

I let out a harsh laugh. "Do you really think I'm going to go back in there with you? You betrayed me Dylan! You were the one person that knew everything that had happened and the only one who I could turn to and you-"

"Ella, will you listen to me for one damn minute?! You've got this all wrong!"

"Don't bother making up some lie just to get me to stay Dylan. I told you, I saw those messages." I wiped my eyes and tried to glare at him through my blurred vision.

"Then you'd know that those messages came from Jasmine!" He snapped, looking pissed off.

"You – wait, what?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion before glaring. "Nice try. I'm not stupid, Dyl. The number wasn't saved, and you told them when I arrived in Michigan and that you were going to tell them when I arrived!" I told him angrily, reciting the words that were engraved in my mind.

"Yeah, because I wanted you to meet her and approve of her before I told you that we were getting engaged!"

My eyes went wide in shock as I let his words sink in. "You... you're getting engaged?" I repeated softly, unable to believe the words.

Dylan's angered expression slowly turned into a small, happy smile. We decided it after a fight we got into a few hours before you called and everything happened. I didn't want to freak you out or anything so I put my own news aside – even though I so desperately wanted to tell you – and focused on getting you here and safe."

"I..." I trailed off, lost for words. "Dylan... are you serious?"

He nodded, his smile growing wider. "We're not getting any younger Ella; and she's the only girl – apart from you, obviously – that has tolerated my habits for this long."

"But yesterday... when I told you I should leave to keep you and your family safe. You told me they wouldn't harm you or your family with such confidence and assurance like you had made a deal with them." I spoke up, doubting his words again.

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