Chapter 3: Forgotten Memory

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Pacifica's POV

Days had already passed since that awkward conversation with Wendy and Soos, and that introduction of the twins to me.

And days had passed on how my parents are acting so weird around me. Yesterday we dined out, and their topics was all about ME! That's really creepy because that never happens, ever! They would rather have the topic about their business. They would rather have the topic on how the weather was, but never it was me.

"Pacifica," A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. It was my father. I didn't notice that we were already at the dining room. Because of my heavy-thinking, I almost forget what I do physically.

"Yeah?" I manage to say.

"So, what do you think about your mother's idea about the theme of your birthday party?" He asks me as a smile forms on his face. To be honest, it scares me to see them this happy. Not that I don't see them this happy, they would be happy because of when their business charts reaches the roof, but now the reason was me, and it was absolutely unnatural.

"Um, I think it's great, I guess?" I say as I pick up my fork and start to pick-up the steak on my plate.

"Well, I'm sure you'll love it, darling." Mother says as I continue to eat my dinner.

> > > >

I miss the captivating scent of the forest. It somehow reminds me of something that I'm oddly familiar of. Like- a forgotten memory.

I was allowed to go outside, giving me a break from that sickening, everyday scent of our house.

I put my hand in the pocket of my coat and let the other one run over the rough surface or the branches. It was somehow calming.

I look above, and see the leaves of the trees dominating the pale sky. Like everything was in a shadow of green.

But of course, every beauty has its' own mystery. I find it quite or that everything was so still and quiet. I start to him a song that I heard from Anna while she was cooking breakfast earlier, so my mind wouldn't wander to anything about theories or just plain stupid ideas of it.

I continue to walk deep within the forest. Breathing in and out.

Out of nowhere, a twig snaps somewhere from my north. A second later I hear a voice mumbling of some sort. I panic for a beat then I stop walking. I listen intently to where the voice was coming, then the voice was so familiar, I just couldn't put my finger into it.

I thought about finding out who it really was, but there was something in my guts telling me to go for it, because the voice sounds oddly familiar.

Then my gut won.

I quietly walk towards to where the voice was coming from, and prayed that my guts wasn't wrong about risking my life for this barely familiar voice.

I peek through the bushes and see a boy that was about my height.

Then realization struck me, hard.


Hey guys!! How are you guys?

What do you think about this chapter?

Guess what? Starting now, I'll be putting a QOTD, at the end of every chapter! So I get to know more a lot about you guys!

QOTD: When is your birthday?

Lots Of Love,
Agent Trigger

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