King Squid Scum

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Chapter 30

Squid Jolene's P.O.V.

"Just relax, it'll be over soon." One of the doctors told me.

I nodded. "O-okay." I hated how my voice wavered, but stupid needles could just disappear.

The doctor who had spoken to me previously gave me a half smile. "Are you afraid of needles?" With the way humans talked about squids and squid hybrids, you'd never expect such a kind tone to leave one of their mouths.

"Yesssss!" My eyes narrowed as I looked at the needle. "They are the spawn of all that is evil." A few chuckles came from those in the room. No doubt they were because of the hissing and growling I was doing.

"You know we already gave her an above average dose when we first obtained her and this much more might kill her! Plus, with the amount of her past self that she retained, like the needle thing, what makes you think this'll ever work on her?" The voice was so quiet if my ears didn't have abnormally good hearing, I wouldn't have picked it up at all.

Suddenly the other me's voice sprung up in my head. "That's why it's great to have ears like a dragon. You can pick up on way more sounds, but also be practically immune to loud noises. Though it is usually used for hunting and roaring in that respective manner."

"Relax. We know what we're doing. We've gone over the statistics so many times we know that this'll work. Besides if she dies, then it isn't a big loss for us, and the stupid land dwellers will have lost a great weapon." Somebody else whispered. I swallowed hard. They really didn't care about me did they?

"No they really don't care for you. That's why we need to pull this off flawlessly in order to be able to save everyone." I could almost imagine the other version of myself frowning. I don't know if this will actually be able to save everybody seeing as not all problems are started by squids, but this'll definitely help some people. "Like team crafted." Yes. Team crafted would greatly benefit from this.

"Alright this shouldn't hurt too much." I sighed as the one with the needle came over to my side. I took a deep breath and nodded slowly. They gave me a small smile as they grabbed my arm and brought the needle next to it. I had to force myself to ignore all my instincts that were screaming for me to yank away and run for my life.

As they put the needle in, I heard gaps from many of those in the room. "Impossible." I'm pretty sure I heard somebody say, but everything appeared to be distant to me.

However I could still feel the smile form on my lips. Out to the corner of my eye I noticed that my hair had turned blonde and there was not a single strand of blue. The other version of myself had taken over, though I'm not sure what exactly this was going to accomplish. The last thing I knew before blacking out was the words that left my mouth. "Die King Squid scum."


Sky's P.O.V.

"So yeah. That's everything we've been up to, so will you please explain what has happened in my absence." Scarlet looked at us as if we had two heads. I don't blame her. Everything that has happened feels like it has all just been part of some crazy story. (Shhhh! Sky don't break the fourth wall!) Did I just hear a voice? (No...) Alright!

Scarlet took a deep breath. "Well... Squids have begun to invade the kingdom starting from the more remote areas and working their way towards the inner parts of the kingdom. As you just heard, they are planning to go after the capital. I'm not sure what they mean by a special troop join their main force before they attack..." She paused to look at me. "So I guess you'll be heading to go save the team. Reports from other kingdoms have informed us that not only current members, but those who are former members as well. It is possible that the squid intel is not up to date. This could mean they do not know of more recent developments within the team. They might not even know about new allies we could call upon. If you come back to the capital then we can send out messages out to them together."

We all stood in silence as we soaked in the information just given to us. "You know that we can't return yet. Not until everyone is safe. If what you say about the squids possibly being out of date with their information about us then we can use that to our advantage." I stopped my sentence there. How could I coordinate this new information into a strategy that could take out the squids and aid in rescuing everyone captured.

"If we could get our allies that the squids do not know about, and those currently in charge of the kingdoms of those captured to all bring their armies to come with a portion of their armies each..." Olivia's eyes lit up at the thought.

Cake's eyes went wide. "That would be a lot of troops. We could easily outnumber the squids. Even if it was just a portion from an army for everyone who has ever been in the team combined."

Then Olivia sighed. "Even with the advantage of numbers, we don't know where the squids are lying in wait while preparing to attack the Budder Kingdom's capital. They've also taken over the outer limits of this kingdom. We don't even know if they are occupying any towns or places in any other kingdoms. Plus, if they come and help against the threat against the capital, if we go ahead to the squid's base then they will have no idea where to go if they want to help if they finish before us or if something happens to us."

Flame turned to whisper something to Brave and he nodded to her. He walked off as Flame turned to look at Scarlet. "Could you pull out a map?" Scarlet glanced at me and I nodded. She sighed and pulled out a map as Brave walked back in a rolled up parchment in one of his hands. I raised an eyebrow as he walked up to the table where Scarlet had put down her own. As he unrolled it he revealed that it was the map Jolene had left behind. Of course! That had the squid base mark on it and we could easily transfer that information over. This way everyone could know this important bit of info. The others began to talk about ideas as I looked down upon the two maps. Though the one Jolene had left was quite old and a few things were out of place or didn't even exist yet, it held where the squid base was. I doubt the squids even knew we had this, or had ever bothered to change the location.

Then my eyes fell upon a mark near identical to my amulet. That was the symbol of the royal family and as such it became to symbol of the capital. I smiled as I remembered how life was back there, before any of this had happened.



Merry Christmas everyone! If you celebrate another holiday then I hope you enjoyed that! I know I have't worked on these stories as much as I would have liked to over the year, but over the past few months I've been going through something. It should get better from here on out, but because of it I have a bunch of homework I should be doing right now... Shh... Don't let my parents know. I hope to try and get another update out by new years or around then, but that might not happen. Fingers crossed it will though. Hope you all enjoyed the duel updates! Have a good night... or rest of the day, or morning... whatever thing I should say that pertains to the time you are reading this.

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