Chapter 11

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June 2nd

I'm coming into my house now, fresh off the school bus. Not feeling so fresh though because I've had yet another rough school day. Rough as in being picked on for my style of dance, my family, my choice to quit soccer, the answer I gave in English class, and even my name. The teasing's gotten worse and worse, but luckily the school year's almost over. The only problem is that I have to come back next year and face the same school, same people, same problems. Sometimes I wish I could just start the new school year and have everything in the past be forgotten. That way nobody would know I do irish dance and therefore not be able to tease me.

I know I haven't mentioned dance class much recently but that's because it's just been the same old, same old. We had camp for a week, 4 hours everyday after school, for NANs prep. We have another week long camp in two weeks for who knows how long, but I'm excited for it because that'll be the stress free times. Well as stress free as it can get considering nationals will be like the week after. By stress free, I mean I'll be out of school and that'll be a total relief.

I've been really working hard recently. Like practicing every day for at least an hour and a half and doing the fitness stuff that our teachers gave us. Once Ava, Mia, and I even oovooed and practiced together! That was really fun but then I got in trouble for having oovoo because it's apparently not "appropriate for 8 year olds". Whoops. But mom did say that I could maybe get an Instagram for my ninth birthday which would be so cool! Ava, Mia, and Mila have them and they look so cool and fun! The only problem is that my birthday is October 10... That's forever away! I can't wait that long!

"Lucy, you ready for dance?" Mom calls up to me. That's right! I have dance class right now! It's just a normal class, not any special NANs class.
"Yeah!" I yell back down and grab my dance bag and sneakers before running out to the car, where mom is waiting for me. The engine is already running and Jake is buckled up in his car seat.
"5 more days of school, Luce! You excited for summer?" Mom asks as she backs down the driveway. I just give a nod.
"I feel like you never talk about school anymore! Is anything exciting happening these days?" Oh boy. I can't share what's going on at school. And by that I mean the bullying problem. Nah I wouldn't call it bullying, just teasing. I'm blowing it up so much bigger than it actually is.
"Nah just cleaning the classrooms and stuff." There. Now hopefully she doesn't continue asking me otherwise I'll end up spilling everything, and I don't wanna worry her.
"Alrighty! We're here!" Mom says as we pull into the studio parking lot. I slide out of the car with my dance bag and head inside.
"Hey, Lucy!" Razz exclaims from behind the big front desk.
"Hi Razz." I say. Uh oh! I hope that didn't sound too down or sad or something. I don't need anyone thinking I'm upset and all.
"Class today is in Studio A, so head on in! They're warming up in there!" She says and I nod and take my bag to the "Shoe Changing Room" as we call it and walk down the hall to Studio A. I push open and the door and walk in to see my class of about 10 girls and Anne stretching. I walk over go where Kylie, Mila, and Harper Grace are sitting. Yes, Harper Grace is her real name, but she let's is call her Harper because Harper Grace is too long.
"Hey, Lucy!" Mila whispers as I begin stretching with the rest of them.
"Hi!" I say.
"I thought you weren't coming but I'm glad you're here!" Harper whispers.
"Yeah I couldn't miss it! NANs are next month!" I whisper excitedly. My first ever NANs. NANs! AHHHHHHH I can't wait!
"One month today!" Kylie says and a shiver goes down my spine.
"Let's work extra hard then!" Mila whispers and we all nod in agreement.

The rest of the class goes by in a flash. We work on out sets (traditional for the 4 of us because we're u9 obviously) and our other two dances. Then we finish off with some more stretching before leaving.
"Mrs. Collins, can I please talk to you for a minute?" Anne asks my mom after class.
"Sure! Lucy, why don't you head out to the car? I'll be right out." Mom says before turning her focus back to Anne.

Uh oh. I hope I didn't do anything bad or anything. Maybe I'm not supposed to be going to nationals, they made a mistake or something that they just learned about now. I sit in the car with worried thoughts trailing through my head. Finally mom comes out. She starts the car and begins driving. Um hello?! What'd you just talk about mom? I'm a worried mess over here!
"What'd you and Anne talk about?" I ask trying to sound as normal as possible.
"She just thought you've been acting not so much like yourself, Luce. That maybe you've been acting a bit down recently." Oh boy.
"And?" I ask cautiously awaiting mom's response.
"I said I'll talk to you about it." Mom replies. Great. Now I'll have to confess.
"So what's eating at you?" Mom continues.
"Nothing." I say in a matter of fact tone of voice.
"Lucy Collins, I know something's wrong. Stop hiding it from me. Tell me the truth." Mom says firmly. No no no no no! I don't wanna make her worried.
"Fine." I sigh. I've given in. I can't hold it back anymore. "Just a few kids have been teasing me about dance and stuff." Stuff.
"Stuff? Like what stuff, Luce?" Mom asks concernedly. Now she's gonna pester me until I give away every tiny detail. Grr
"Just like small random stuff, I don't know." I reply.
"If it's a big deal I want to know." Mom says. Why can't she stop asking me about this? I don't wanna talk about it!
"Why?" Wow, way to go. I said the wrong thing. Now she knows it's bad. Good job, Lucy.
"Because I want to talk to the kid's parents and maybe the teacher and principal." Not the principal!
"No mom it's fine!" I say quickly before any other things can escape from my mouth.
"Alright. But if it gets worse, you let me know." Mom says. Conversation= over. Finally.

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