Chapter 4

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And treble and a kick and a kick and out click down and shuffle and a toe treble treble hop back.

I finish confidently and as strong as I can. I would say it was pretty good! It was my best, so I'm happy with it! I walk back to my spot, wait for the bell before bowing, and then I head offstage. I walk over to where mom and Ava and Mrs. Peterson are standing.
"Lucy, you looked amazing!" Mom says hugging me.
"Yeah! You were so so so so good!" Ava exclaims.
"Wait," I say turning to look at the stage. "Mia's up." We all fall quiet as we watch Mia dance. She's looking awesome with her new dress (oh yeah I forgot to mention they both have stunning new dresses that kinda match)! When she's done we all cheer extra loudly for her.
"Ava, you obviously should paid attention to when Mia's dancing in class a lot more because she just looked way better." Mrs. Peterson says. Ouch, that wasn't rude or anything. If I were Ava I would be really upset right now!
"Yeah yeah ok." Ava replies before Mia comes over to us.
"Mia, you were absolutely unreal!" We all surround her with hugs and praises.
"You looked really good Mia!" I say as we're walking over to our stuff. The Peterson's decided to bring their stuff over to ours so that we could hang out and be near each other.

The three of us plop down on the floor right by our bags and start lacing up our soft shoes.
"Did either of you think it was slippery?" Ava asks.
"Nah, why? Did you?" I ask.
"Yeah a little bit. I kinda held back, so I couldn't dance my best." Ava replies. Wow. I thought she looked pretty dang good!
"Even if you didn't dance your best you can still wow them with your soft shoe!" I suggest.
"True, even though I'm way better at hard shoe than soft. I'll try though." I finish lacing up my soft shoe and sit waiting for the other two to finish as well.
Now we just have to wait to see how the soft shoe round will go!

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