Chapter 1 - Meet The Gang

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I know I've posted this a million times even if it's under a different name, but I really want to actually continue this story. I've been holding it off for AGES and kept deleting it whenever I posted it but I'm determined to make this work.

So tell me what you think! Vote, comment, fan, you awesome people!

Today is the last day of school so I've decided to post this :D

I update the story almost everyday in my part of the world (EST).


Susanne Jenson stomps into the cafeteria, smoke fuming out of her ears and her face as red as ketchup.

She spots her target.

A dirty blonde-haired boy with dashing sapphire eyes that melted you as if he was fire and you were ice. [Don't you just love my metaphors? No? Oh..fine then!]

Susanne, or Suzy which was what everyone called her, slowly walks towards Kale Wilkens.

If you don't know who Kale is, you obviously haven't been keeping up with the latest goss.

Kale Wilkens has about a hundred or a million rumors buzzing around about him in the whole school network which includes other schools too.

He's the heartthrob, the player, the hotshot and the guy every girl dreams of being with.

Except Suzy.

Kale and Suzy are best friends.

Maybe it's better to call them enemies since they completely despise each other.

Suzy reaches the table Kale is sitting at. "Kale..we need to talk." she mutters with deep loathe.

He glances up at her. "Sure, sit down." Kale says lightly.

Suzy hesitates but then sits down on the seat opposite him.

"I assume you're here about your friend Denise?" he says, pushing his fake glasses up the bridge of his perfect nose.

She nods. "Will you answer some questions for me?" Suzy says, smiling fakely.

"Sure." Kale says without looking up at her.

"So what'd you like about her?" Suzy asks, creeping closer to Kale's overly-attractive face.

His hair was messy but looked hot, his arched nose was shaped perfectly, his eyes glistened like stars and his lips were begging you to lean over and kiss them.

Every feature of his face was as if it was sculpted by the world's best sculptor who was creating the world's most perfect man.

But his answer ruined everything.

"Her face. Her body. Her looks." Kale states simply.

Suzy whacks the top of his head with her fist. "It is people like you who corrupt the world with superficial beliefs." she says, most intelligently.

Kale blinks innocently. "Then what did you see out of Ryde? Max? Thomas? Paul? Si-"

He is cut off by Suzy. "Those guys asked me out and I sincerely dated them. They just weren't the 'one', I guess. Sure, I've had my share of boyfriends but at least I'm not a player like you, douche." she says furiously.

"Pshh..every loves me for it anyway." he says with a very smug look on his face.

"Not me." Suzy mutters, intentionally loud enough for him to hear, and then sucks on a lollipop.

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