"He loved you and you got someone to kill him!"

"I didn't love him back! I love Lucas, but look where that got me! Love is a sick joke that everyone seems to want, and once they get it are too addicted to let it go."

"You just didn't want to let go of Lucas, you didn't want to fall in love again!"

"That's not true! I would never fall in love with Finn! I had my love and he got taken away from me. And you aren't the perfect person either, because you can't seem to let Trent go. You fell too hard for the addiction of love, just like I did. We are both messed up, and that's why when I met you I was drawn to you, I thought we could get to know each other and become great friends." She was shouting at the beginning but started to calm down near the end.

"I wouldn't be friends with a monster."

"Yet you are in love with a monster," she said, no hesitation in her voice.

Trent; He must be here, but what had she done with him?

She started walking again, she was taking me somewhere. "Where is Trent?"

"You'll see him shortly, anyways back to my story. I really did think we could be great friends." She sighed, "I did want to kill you when we first met, it would be a faster way to make the prince angry and then come after me; me being the person who would have killed you. There I would have hid in the closet, and told some of the guards working for me to make the 'saving humans cause' attack the castle giving me just enough time to run away, and get my parents out of the cell. Then Trent would follow my scent where a group of people would capture and kill him. It would have been so much easier"

I was right; she once wanted to kill me.

"Why didn't you go along with it?" A sick mind like hers, I didn't know what to expect.

"I told you, I became close to you, I couldn't kill you, and you were too innocent in the plan. So imagine my surprise when Hound tells me that you are no longer part of the plan." Her hands clenched into fists.

That must have been the guy that first visited me in the cells. Hound was a good name for him; he was loyal to his master.

"You couldn't kill me, and I couldn't kill Trent. You should have understood where I was coming from." She still had her back to me walking; we still weren't at the destination she wanted.

"But he wasn't innocent." That was the end of our talk.

We had arrived.

In front of me stood an object placed in the center of the field with a cloth placed on top.

"What is that?" I wanted to know, but at the same time I didn't.

"You did always ask the best questions," Jen replied sarcastically as she walked up to the cloth, "But I will be happy to show you." She ripped it off the top of the object.

I found Trent.

His clothes were all shredded on him; it was like he wasn't wearing any at all, but just enough to cover the essential areas. His arms were around what looked like a small metal pole with a top, and his hands chained together around it, he was sitting on the floor with his head hung low and a gag around his mouth.

A man came out with a full armor looking outfit and a long whip in one of his gloved hands. He pulled his arm back and started beating it on Trent's exposed skin, adding to the cuts and bruises, but what surprised me was that they weren't healing. He was supposed to heal fast. Why wasn't he healing?

I had to look away. "Stop! Please stop!!" I could feel blood dripping down my face.

Jen put her hands above her head and the whipping stopped. She looked at me. "Why want to stop the fun? We are just getting started?" She smiled; she knew why I wanted him to stop.

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