Chapter 2: The Kidnappers Have Gotten Away With It!

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This Chapter Was Edited By:  Gerbilsarecool311- Thanks by the way!

 sorry made a mistake... wrong chapter



"She’s still conscious right?" A distant gruff voice pierced through my peaceful sleep, or was it blackout?

"I don’t know; I hope she is…" A softer, more worried voice accompanied the gruff man’s, like the rose in all the thorns.

"Jason, you fool, how hard did you tumble her down?"

"I-I'm sorry it just happened like an instinct or something, sorry."

"Well, you’d better hope she’s alive or you’ll join her in death!"

I heard them leaving, creaking up stairs, and figured it was safe to explore my surroundings. I tried to open my eyes, but it was horridly painful because I had a monstrous headache. I managed to open them as wide as I could and realized I was in a house. It wasn’t a mansion, more like a small cottage. I felt something plush beneath my body and recognized it as a bed. Unceremoniously dumped, I thought.

Now that I could really get a look at this place, everything looked so old. It seemed like the whole room was going to fall into millions of pieces. Even the bed covers were worn and had gigantic holes in them, as well as the side table. I started to think this was an abandoned house. Either that or the thought of even cleaning this place never hit them!

I tried to get my head straight and my eyes focused, but the whole picture was always so blurry. Oh, there was something about a garden and these men jumping me and getting knocked out…

Suddenly I started hearing footsteps; they were faint at first but they got louder and louder…

Oh, crap, they’re coming! I almost said it aloud and that just made me more frantic.

Thinking of nothing else to do, I immediately laid back down and shut my eyes in hopefully a passable imitation of a knocked-out person.

"Damn, she’s still unconscious!" said the gruff voice again as he came into the room.

"Maybe a slap will wake her!" exclaimed yet another voice, this one oily and snarling.

Oh, God, please do not slap me! I thought desperately.

"STOP! Maybe she just needs some water, guys! Slapping will do no good!" cried the younger voice maybe with a hint of frenzy.

I’ll probably never forgive you for what you did to me, I thought savagely, but I guess I’ll have to thank you for suggesting a better solution.

"Whatever, you go get her the damn water, Jason,” sneered the greasy voice. “Hmph, it looks like she won’t be waking up anytime soon. Well, Moneth and I will go hunting. Keep a good eye on her if she is to wake up and don’t let her get away! Do you hear me you little runt?”

"Yeah, yeah whatever, just go! The sooner you come back the better!" said the now annoyed voice. I supposed his name was Jason because that was what all the other men called him.

I soon heard the steps of those bastards getting fainter, but realized the young “runt” was still with me. Darn! I heard a few splashes of what I believed to be water and a few seconds later I felt a small, warm towel on my forehead. Believe it or not, my headache started to ebb away. Huh, I should do that more often when I get a headache, I thought.

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