Chapter 1

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WARNING: After writing the sequel this book will go under intense rewrite.

1. This story was written in 2015/2016, written way before theories on character name and lore.

2. Character names will be the same such as older brother being Luke and such.

3. As a cringy tween paragraphs was not my forte and the story will be given paragraphs.

4. Oc, mainly my own Ary Beary(who is now known as Fibi), will have a different name and character design. (Sequel contains pic of said design if you wish to jump ahead)

With that in mind I understand if the grammar mistakes and such will permit you from reading until it is rewritten.

It was so dark. I didn't want this to happen. It's my big brother's fault. Why did he have to be so mean to me. His name is Luke and he and his friends always bullied me. It all began when I had to go to that pizzeria for my birthday.

I hid under the table, crying. "Wow Luke, your (sister/brother) is such a wimp." One said. "I know right." Luke said laughing. "Hey maybe (she/he) wants to get a closer look at Fredbear." Another said. I began to feel arms around me. "N-no let go!" I yelled. They didn't listen to me. They only keep laughing and carrying me. "You hear that (she/he) wants to get even closer." Another said. They carried me even closer to Fredbear. "N-no, please!" I begged. We were now in front of  the stage. "I think (she/he) wants to give Fredbear a big kiss." Luke said. They put me in front of Fredbear's face. I cried, I begged, but they all kept laughing. Fredbear began to lean forward, mouth opened. "H-help!" I cried. But they all kept laughing, until a sound echoed through the pizzeria. A chomp sound. Screams could be heard and running. They pried open Fredbear's mouth. I fell out as blood surrounded me. And all I saw before everything went black, was my brother standing there in shock.

It was all his fault. Luke should have known better. Someday, I will get him back. But everything is so dark. Wait, there's a light. Maybe if I follow it. My eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the light. Once they did I tried my best to look around. I was in the hospital. I heard sobbing of my mom. They were here and they probably brought Luke with them. Nurse walked in and looked at me with a smile. "Oh you're awake, I will alert your parents." She said. She walked and came back with my parents and Luke. "Oh my goodness you're okay, I'm so happy." My mom said full of joy. Her eyes were red from crying. "How are you feeling?" My dad asked. I started to think. How do I feel? Do I feel angry, betrayed, sadness. "Dead." Was all I could say. My parents looked at each other worriedly. "Oh don't worry (Y/N), you'll feel much better once we get home." My mom said. I looked at Luke, once he saw me looking at him, he quickly looks away. I thought so. "She is able to go back home with you, but I must explain some things to you." The doctor said walking in. The doctor ushered my family outside. I was alone again. Good. I wanted some time to think. Why did this all have to happen to me? Will my life change, or will my brother treat me the same? If he does, then I will treat him the same. My family walked back in with the doctor. "(Y/N), you're going home, here, we brought you a new set of cloths." My mom said. I sat up and took the clothing. I then went to the bathroom to change and came back. "You ready to go?" My dad asked. I didn't answer, I just walked passed them and out the door. My parents sighed. "How did all of this happen?" My mom asked. Luke also exited out of the room in silence. We drove home and the first thing I did was walk upstairs and into my room. I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed. I looked over to see my Freddy plushie. I grabbed it and hugged it close. "Did you miss me?" I asked. It didn't answer, but I pretend that it did. "Me too." I said hugging it more tightly. I heard a knock at the door. "What?" I asked. The door opened, revealing Luke. "Um (Y/N), I wanted to say...that I'm sorry, for what happened." He said. I chuckled. "You want to apologize?" I asked. He nodded. "That's too bad, because I'm never going to forgive you." I growled. "But I didn't know that Fredbear was going to bite you." Luke said in defense. "Ha, and yet, you and your friends treated me so poorly." I said. I looked down at my plush and started petting it. "I could of died you know, I would have been unlucky." I said. "I know but-" Luke tried to say. "But what?" I asked. He looked down and didn't answer. "That's what I thought, you're a sorry excuse for a brother." I said. I smiled and looked at him. "Maybe next time you'll treat your little (sister/brother) like family." I said. I waved my hand at him. "Now, shoo." I said. Luke closed the door. I was some what happy to let all that out. But it's true, he should have treated me fairly. He should know that I will never give him a second chance.

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