Once A Prince, Always a Prince

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I stared down at myself in shock. How was this possible? I thought I had given up on being Princess Tutu when I have Mytho back the last piece of his heart! When he had changed me back into a human it had only been me as Duck, not Tutu. I suddenly saw Adelberto sitting on the ground looking up at me sadness in his eyes. Had Drosselmeyer given me a piece of his heart?

"Tutu?" I turned to see Mytho looking at me expectantly, "We should go."

"Of course." I said without thinking, and started walking, still a little dazed. Luckily while I was Princess Tutu, I was as graceful as a swan, so I managed to stay on my feet, and not give into the Duck inside me flailing in shock.

We walked for what seemed to be years in silence, me looking every 5 seconds back at Adelberto and his unfailing stare, wishing I could talk to him again and see what he was thinking. Then we arrived at a village and Mytho suddenly froze. "Mytho?" He had the strangest look on his face, like fear and embarrassment combined.

He stumbled on his words, "Duck , the, the villagers they--" He was cut off by an angry mob coming straight from the village brandishing all sorts of weapons.

"How dare you come to our village after what you've done to us!" An angry women screamed while brandishing what looked to be a cooking knife.

We started to back up, hastily. I couldn't help but glare at Mytho. "Let me guess. They hate you for abandoning them."

"How did you know ?" He looked at me quickly then turned back to face the mob, Adelberto on his shoulder with an expression that on a human would be shock.

"Do you not remember what you did to me, Mytho?" I said a little irritated. I wasn't really surprised that this had happened. This land was full of horrors even without adding Drosselmeyer. And the villagers had to face it without the valiant prince to save them. They had a right to be angry. But while I had been furious, they were furious and armed. How was I supposed to reason with them? I did the only thing I knew to do. I stretched out my arm and asked if they wanted to dance.

As we ran away with them on their heels, I realized that trying to convince angry villagers with ballet might have been a slightly bad idea. The villagers were catching up and they were even more enraged then before. Then I heard a scream and saw one of them had grabbed Mytho and another had grabbed Adelberto off his shoulder. I tried to reason with them "He didn't mean to abandon you! He only did it because he had to stop the Raven! He did it for your safety!" But they ignored me and surrounded them. I struggled at the ages of the mob but thy just pushed me farther and farther way from them. I tried to reach through and a villager pushed me to the ground, and I started to give up. I would never be able to save them.

But suddenly a bright light came out of the middle of the crowd and mob broke up as they covered their eyes and tried to run from it. A boy that looked about my age walked toward melight pouring off of him, holding Mytho by the hand. His hair was white as snow, and his eyes almost black, and somber.

He picked me up from the ground then, and said "Are you alright?" in a voice I knew I'd heard before.

Then I recognized him from the portrait that I had seen before hanging on the wall in his parents castle and the dream that haunted me. Adelberto, in human form once again.

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