Chapter 4 Bella's First Case Part 2

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"How dare you come in to this flat and try to take my child away from me when you did nothing but hurt her when you were taking care of her. She still has the nightmares no matter what I do to try and help calm her down. She as woken up every day since she has gotten here crying and screaming because of what you did to her. She has been happy with me, her father, because I don't abuse her like you did when she was in your care!" I heard a was Daddy!

"How can a psychopath take care of a little girl I don't see what Zoey thought was so important about you. You're nothing but an alcoholic freak who doesn't know the first thing about parenting. Bella should be dead not my sister." Ben shouted back.

I then heard a loud thud and someone opened the door and I heard footsteps come toward the closet but I couldn't tell who it was that was in the room so I stayed as quiet as I could. I could literally feel Ben next to me I knew it was him I thought it was him who opened the closet door but when I looked up I saw a worried face looking back at me, "Bella it's okay you're safe now."
He said bending down and wrapping his arms around me engulfing me in a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed hugging him back sobbing even harder than I already was, the pain in my stomach catching up with me and making me want to throw up, "Da-" was all I got out before I threw up all over him. He picked me up and carried me past the unconscious Ben and into the bathroom setting me down in front of the toilet and I threw up even more into it. I heard John talking on the phone to someone probably Lestrade.

>>>John's POV<<<

"Lestrade just get down here and quickly you don't want him to come to do you?"

"What in the hell it going on with you don't want who to come to? What did you two do?"

"It was self-defense. Ben Marie, Bella's abusive uncle, came to our flat to come to get Bella back, probably just to abuse her again, now please get down here!" Shouted at him. I heard a muffled groan in the background, "Who are you with? Are you even at work?" I questioned.

"None of your business and no I'm not at work I have a day off today. I'll be there in a second." He said then I heard a muffled voice, "Who is id Gregory?" I couldn't quite name the voice but it sounded familiar then I heard, "What has my brother done this time?" And I knew who it was, it was...Mycroft.

"Are you with Mycroft?" I asked gaining a sigh from the Detective Inspector.

"Yes." He answered, "Myc he's figured us out." He said to the elder Holmes bother. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes bye." He said with a hint of ignorance in his voice.

"Bye." I hung up. Then a thought came to my mind when I had first met Sherlock and I had shot that cabbie before Sherlock could take the pill. Afterward when Mycroft came to "check on" Sherlock it makes so much since he wasn't seeing Sherlock he was seeing Lestrade. I vaguely remember seeing Mycroft walking over to Lestrade just before I got into the cab to go to our flat. I shook my head chuckling to myself about what I had just figured out. I got a text from Lestrade.

Don't tell Sherlock I mean it

I won't


I looked at the man on the floor in the hallway of me and Sherlock's flat, "I should go check on Mrs.Hudson." I said as I left the room and headed downstairs to Mrs.Hudson's flat, "Mrs.Hudson? Are you alright?" I knock on the door.

"Come in John." She calls to me and I open the door to her flat.

"I just came to check on you and see if he didn't hurt you." I said walking inside.

The Mini Detective (A Sherlock fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя