Chapter 30- Melly's Birthday Friday, December 19, 2014

Start from the beginning

I know it's cheesy and cliche, especially since we're still young. We haven't even graduated high school yet and here I am willing to ask the most important question of our lives tonight. But I am very blessed that God has given the chance to meet this wonderful girl in my life, that I can't imagine myself being with anyone else in the future except her. Why should I wait, since I know my future is right here waiting for me to take her hand and officially call her mine for life? We also have a baby coming in a couple of days, if we can't be married, we could be engaged for as long as we want to.

I walked up to the set of engagement rings, my eyes set on a size 7, 14k white gold diamond ring. I picked up the small jewelry and examined it, making sure that everything looked alright. I don't want to get her some cheap, crappy ring, I want to get her a perfect one. Perfect for her to cherish until the day she walks down the aisle and say, "I do". Of course, she could always reject me, which is why I'm doing all of this for her. I want to win her into marriage. I mean if she does reject me, I wouldn't break up with her or anything, but I would be depressed for days. Weeks maybe. But I will respect her decision since I know she has a lot going on in her life and I don't want to come off as pushy or anything; I want her to marry me because she wants to. I also want her to know that we can just be engaged and get married anytime she wants to, she just has to tell me when and where.

A short, pudgy, middle-aged man came from the back of the store to me. "Hello, sir? What can I do for you today?"

I jumped a little and looked at him. "Oh, hi! I'm just looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

"Aren't you a little young to get married?" The man questioned me.

"Maybe, but I just like the idea of being engaged to her and getting married anytime we want." I replied.

"How long have you known her for? I don't want to be responsible for helping you elope or anything." He asked. He's asking way too many question.

"Today's our seventeenth anniversary." I informed him.

"Oh, that's nice. So you've known each other since you guys were kids." The man said, making me nod my head. "Well, alright. That ring is a nice choice, but it is expensive."

I shook my head at that. I have enough money to pay for this ring as I have made enough cash from working at Target during these last several months. "I'll take it." I said.

"That's 4,450 dollars, but for you on your special day, it's 2,250." The man told me.

Yeah, because that won't make me cry tonight.

"Great." I muttered as I gave him my credit card so he may slide it. He gave it back to me and I signed my name on the receipt as he put the ring in a black, velvet box. I can't help, but feel a little excited for that. I cannot believe I'm buying ring this young, but in my eyes this is innocent compared to every other thing that I've done with Melly this year alone. To me, this just feels right despite what the world may think once the news is out.

I thanked the cashier before I exited the store, digged into the bag and took out the ring box. It felt smooth in my rough hands as I flipped open the box, staring at the lovely diamond in the center of the box. The feeling that I have for this overly price, chunk of rock is surreal. I can't believe it. I'm really going to do it. I'm going to propose to Melly. Then we're going to have a baby, get married, have a couple of more kids, and live happily ever after. At least, that's how it hope it would be.

I closed the box before I can get teary-eyed and shoved it back in the bag before I headed towards my car. Time to go to my next location: Melly's parents house.


I parked my car at Mike's house, so I'm not too far from the Martinez's house yet so no one, specifically Melly, wouldn't have any idea that I'm nearby. I took a deep breath as I looked at Melly's old house again. Everyday I would look at it, hoping that her parents would change their minds and apologize. It's a burden how they want nothing to do with their daughter's or grandchild's life. But because I'm a gentleman, I need their permission to marry her. This visit will most likely be useless, but this is how I was raised so yeah. A few minutes wouldn't hurt anyway.

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