Chapter Eighteen: Lucky Strike

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"He'll understand James. Besides don't make me stress, it's not healthy for the baby."

James sighed and nodded before muttering something inaudible under his breath.

"Hazel and Matt, the nurse will see you now."

My head shot up as the nurse popped her head around the door and called mine and Matt's name. We stood up and James stayed put but I wasn't letting him off that easily, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

"You're coming too buddy; don't you want to see your niece or nephew?"

James nodded while Matt laughed as the three of us left the waiting room. The nurse showed us to a smaller room and told me to get up on the table.

"Hello Hazel I'm Dr. Jones."

I smiled, she seemed nice enough but I saw her eyes checking both Matt and James out and the wolf inside of me wanted to growl that she wasn't good enough for them. I motioned at the guys.

"Matt's the father and James is here for moral support."

They both waved at her oblivious to her wandering gaze. When she noticed they weren't paying her any attention she turned to me and flipped on a machine next to the bed.

"Please roll your shirt up, today we'll be seeing if the baby is healthy and you can hear its heartbeat."

I rolled up my shirt and squirmed as she put cold gel onto my stomach, I watched the screen as she rubbed a device that hummed over my stomach. I had no clue what I was looking for as did Matt and James who were focused intently on the screen.

"Congratulations Hazel you're having twins."

My heart skipped a beat when the nurse told me I was having twins.

"Err like as in two?"

I face palmed at the stupidity of James's question, of course twins meant two.

"Thank god you're not the father James. I'd be worried for the children."

Matt slapped him on the back and smirked while James's face went a bright shade of red upon realising his mistake. The nurse cleared her throat.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeats?"

The three of us nodded and she chuckled before hitting a button on the machine and the sound of heartbeats echoed through the small room. I wiped away a stray tear that had run down my cheek, it was now officially real. I was pregnant with twins.

"You're going to be a great mother Hazel."

Matt wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed me on top of the head, he was good at reassuring people.

"Damn I'm going to have to be the cool uncle to two children now."

The nurse shook her head at James and switched off the machine, she printed out two copies of the scan and handed one to me and one to Matt before leaving the room.

"I'll schedule you a check up for a couple of weeks Hazel. I'll be in touch; it was nice meeting all of you."

"Thank you."

I stared at the scan in my hands, at the minute the babies looked like blobs but they were going to grow and only one thought crossed my mind making me sigh out loud and rub my belly.

"I'm going to get fat guys."

The three of us left the hospital and I realised that Jake had dropped me off so I had no ride home. James suggested that we grab a bite to eat and I agreed since I was now eating for three.

Bitten by Adam Levine (Adam Levine) (Maroon 5 Fic) *COMPLETED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz