Chapter 17- The Final Goodbye

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Chapter 17- The Final Goodbye

I sat there, staring at my team, flabbergasted at the fact that X's body was gone. Of course there could be some reasonable explanation such as they decided to move the body for cremation or burial or whatever they were planning to do with her. But that was never the case when you were dealing with top level spies.

"There's something they're hiding from us," I exhaled, watching their reaction. Fear, anger, and confusion flashed across their faces.

"Maybe, but they all looked so depressed when the nurse told us X died. They could be as in the dark as we are," stated Kelsey, fiddling with her knuckles.

"Yeah, but I doubt it," noticed Morgan, leaning forward. "They're trained professionals. What are the odds that it was just a misunderstanding?"

"Yeah," mumbled Brooke. She ran her fingers through her hair in concentration. "You know how we saw those two figures in that room when we in Paris. If X was one of them, who was the other?"

"It was--" I bursted, realizing what was wrong. "One of them wasn't X, they were my parents! Meeting with X! How else would them have known we were there? How else would they of planned that trap against us? No one else would know that the password inside was my birthday! They knew we were coming, they knew of our plan all along. There in it against us." I rambled admitting the tragic truth.

Brooke's eyes lit up in fear. "It...makes sense. If you're parents are in with X, it means they all are, Madame Miranda and maybe Amy too. We have to go. Now." All of our eyes fleeted to the window, the only way out. Morgan scampered over to a bookshelf and climbed up. She kicked through the glass and it shattered, falling into a million little pieces on the ground below.

"Come on," she urged, gesturing towards the window. The door burst open and my mom walked in. Her hair was it of place and the hem of her skirt torn.

"Come on girls, there is something important for you," she too gestured for us to come. My eyes fleeted from my mom's outstretched hand to Morgan's.

It was like my life flashed in front of me, what my life would become if I went to my mother's side, or if I escaped with Morgan. We're the things I had said true? Or were they just false accusations? X was a bad person, but was she bad enough to have my parents turn against me? She did have them turn against their son. But if I went with Morgan, at least I would be with my team. Was it the right choice though? I could feel Kelsey and Brooke's wondering stares. They were waiting for me to chose the future of our team.

"Honey, come on." My mom turned and the fold in her skirt moved to un-sheath just enough show reveal a gun. They weren't on our side. They wanted to kill us!

"Go! Morgan, Kelsey, Brooke, go!" I sprinted over to the window and boosted Morgan over the ledge, then helped Kelsey and Brooke too. "Go! Hurry!"

I turned to face my mom, "What have you done? Traitor!" Her eyes hardened and tears spilled over and I turned to face the window, not wanting to get hurt. I climbed out of the window and gave her one last glance. "Good bye," I told her solemnly. She only gave me an evil look and I heard the sound of footsteps behind her.

I scampered down the wall and into the yard, breaking into a run to meet my team at the edge of the woods. We weren't in Paris anymore.

I stopped at the brink of the sky scraping trees and the endless pillows of moss and grass ahead of me. I grasped Morgan, Kelsey, and Brooke's hands and turned to face the thicket of branches. I couldn't look back.

We tore into the sea of deep greens, leaves crunching beneath us and the woods breathing around us, but they weren't at our tail. Then, from far behind us I heard them say, "We will find you! We will always find you!" I turned over my shoulder to see all of them: Mom, Dad, Miranda, crowded at the window as we disappeared into the woods.


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