Chapter 13- The Shot Heard 'Round the World

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Chapter 13- The Shot Heard 'Round the World

Strings of lights wrapped around the ivy covered walls and fancy dresses bobbed around like fish in a coral reef. With colors ranging from deep greens to spring yellows and bright magentas. Immediately, the four of us split up. If this went as planned, this would be an easy get in and get out situation.

"Testing comm unit, testing." Crackled Kelsey's voice over my earpiece.

"Tempest check." I walked across the long balcony on the second floor, watching the scene below. The ball was beautiful. Chandeliers strung with enough crystals to cover a football field filtered the light across the room in longs rays, brushing against the lady's and gentlemen's shoulders. Large dresses and black tuxedos moved across the dance floor like waves in the ocean. Twinkling music drifted from the string ensemble at the foot of the stairs where more smiling guests sat, nibbling at little quiches or sipping glasses of champagne. Platters of fancy finger food surrounded the corners of the room on the ornate wooden floor.

I drifted down the grand staircase, chatting with people here and there while making my way towards some undecided location. Waiters passed, offering things ranging from deviled eggs to drink concoctions. I denied everything though because I didn't want my hands full in case something happened.

"Subject entering building." Reported Brooke from her current location by the door. I could feel my gun rubbing against my leg as I drifted towards the back of the great hall. I could see Morgan, twirling on the dance floor while keeping her eye on the exit. I peered down at my watch to see the little white tracking dot bobbling towards the edge of the ensemble's stage with a flock of girls mobbing after him. I rolled my eyes and laughed, then turned to find myself face to face with an old man with a warming smile and a curly silver mustache.

"Bonjour Mamoiselle, my I have this dance?" He asked. I bowed and took his out-stretched hand with a smile. Although my face looked as calm as the eye of a hurricane, my brain was spinning with questions. Who was he? Why did he want to dance? Does he know about the assassination plans? Is he another enemy? Should I get my gun?

"Dear Lady, your name?" He asked soothingly and he spun me around. I caught many stares and open mouths which only fed my concerns.

"You speak English?" I asked, in an equally calm manner, "I am impressed. My name is Lauren DuVant. And yours?"

"Marco de Francíet!" He chuckled and his puffy eyebrows rubbed together. What was so funny? He must of caught my confused expression when he said, "Why only the host of this party!"

I too laughed, of course! It was tradition for the host of the ball to dance with every lady and that included me. "Of course! That would explain the dashing bow tie, it looks marvelous on you."

"Mercì. And, yes, I do, indeed, speak English. How are you liking the party?" He asked.

I smiled and answered, "It is spectacular." He spun me around again and we chatted about the history of the house and the interesting architecture until he waved goodbye and moved on the next lady in sight. The dance had been fun, and I finally had a genuine smile on my face until I saw dark figures moving in.

"Team. Black figures, possibly X? Check them out." I ordered. I walked back upstairs, hoping for a good view. Why would X be here? It seemed unusual unless X wanted to watch us in our 'glory moment'.

"Doesn't seem to be X. They are mostly staying together and I think I can hear laughs. Don't freak out Claire, that never goes in our favor. It will be alright." Reassured Brooke. Yeah, but why wouldn't they act normal, after all they are highly trained spies. I thought, guiltily. I knew I couldn't jump to conclusions so quickly, but what was my other choice? I tried to push those toxic thoughts to the back of my mind, but they stayed put. Ignore it. I thought to myself. You have more important things to think about. For example, where's Derek.

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