"There you are honey. I thought you might have gotten lost," my grandmother said when I had walked through the doors of the hospital after walking to them once I had parked. Both of my grandparents had been waiting near the doors for me. I didn't see James Ryan or his wife so I wasn't sure if they were here yet. They probably weren't since I'm sure that they would have been waiting in the lobby with my grandparents if they were already here.

"I did a little bit, but I eventually found my way here," I replied as I stopped in front of them. My grandmother nodded her head and then said, "Well now we just have to wait for James and his wife. Then we can go get the results."

I nodded my head and then followed my grandparents over to some chairs we could sit in while we waited for James and his wife to arrive. Neither of my grandparents had referred to James as my father yet and I didn't think they were going to until we found out if he was actually my father. I knew they would probably start calling him my father before I even did though. It was just me that was going to have to get used to calling this man my father if it turned out he was just that person.

I don't know how much longer we waited until James and his wife arrived since I avoided looking at the clock too much to help the time pass by faster, but when they finally did, I nudged my grandmother, who was sitting next to me, to show her and my grandfather that they were finally here.

"Hello, how are you all doing?" James said reaching his hand out to shake my grandfather's hand, then he turned to shake my grandmother's hand.

"Just anxious to find out the results," my grandfather answered as James turned to me to shake my hand. I smiled at him when he looked at me and he smiled back.

"Let's go find out if you're my daughter, alright?" James said still smiling at me. I nodded back as we let go of each other's hands after shaking them.

We greeted Hannah before heading off to the office of the doctor who had helped us last time. After reaching the area where the doctor's office was, James talked to one of the nurses who then went off to find Doctor Wagner. It wasn't that much longer before the nurse returned with the doctor. She smiled as she walked towards us and when she reached us, she told us to follow her into her office, which was large enough to fit all of us.

I expect that this just wasn't the place where people find out the results to see if they're related to one another, but also results to see if they're sick with some kind of disease. You could get good news in here or bad news.

"Let me just grab the file with the results. You're welcome to sit down in one of the chairs if you'd like," Doctor Wagner said after she had shut the door. There were only four other chairs besides the one behind the desk so I let the adults sit down and stood near my grandparents as Doctor Wagner went behind her desk. She glanced over her desk before picking up a file, one of the many she had on her desk.

"Alright," Doctor Wagner said coming around to the other side of her desk and then leaning against it while looking through the file. It was a minute or two before she spoke up again.

"Well, it looks like we have a match between the DNA samples we received. Rhiannon Blake is the daughter of James Ryan. Congratulations! You're welcome to stay in here for a little bit if you'd like. And if you don't have any questions, then I'll be getting back to what I was doing before," she said looking around the room to see if anyone was going to say anything.

"I don't think we have any questions," James said looking over at my grandparents. They both shook their heads as my grandfather stood up and held out his hand towards Doctor Wagner, who took it as my grandfather said, "We don't have any questions either. You've already answered the one we've all been wanting to know. Thank you so much for all of your help."

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