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Kian uncovered my eyes and I saw the sight in front of me and panicked.
Part of me wanted to cry and the other part wanted to tackle them all into hugs. I didn't know which one to go to first I haven't got to see these boys in a long time.
"Awe look she doesn't know which one to go to first"Sam laughed at me in amusement.
"Come on we all know who she's going to first"Kian said.
I ran to Hayes and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"You owe me 5 bucks"I heard Kian say to Sam as I buried my face into Hayes kneck and giggled.
I ignored the fact that most of the boys were shirtless except for Nate for some reason I liked his tattoos every time he had his shirt off I had to check out all of his tattoos.
I hugged all the boys and then touched one of Nates tattoos.
"I want one"I said as he laughed.
"You'll scream bloody murder"he said as I crossed my arms.
"Ok I'll make a deal with you"I said.
"Ok what's the deal?"Nate asked.
"If my team beats yours you'll take me to get a tattoo on my 18th birthday"I said as he stuck out his hand and we did our handshake.
"Deal"he said.
"You two are so weird"sammy said as I knocked him on the ground and sat on top of him.
"What was that wilkinson?"I asked as he smiled me.
"I like them feisty"he smirked as Hayes grabbed me off of him.
"Ooh Hayes is jealous"Kenny said.
"Am not!"Hayes said letting go of me as I felt my cheeks heat up.
(Just noting while I wrote this next part I was listening to hurt you by busta rhymes ft.Eminem)
I put my hair in a pony tail and smirked at Hayes as he put on his game face.
It was me Trevor Ricky Jc Kian And sam against Hayes jack G jack J Kenny Nate and sammy. 3 of the boys sat out on their team and Connor sat out on our team .
Connor blew the whistle and I stole the ball throwing it to Jc as he threw it to Kian.
I sat down on the bench and drank my water then I handed it to Hayes and he drank some of it.
""I said in between breaths to Nate.
"Just noting I won't be the one to hold your hand while you're in pain because you'll probably break my hand"Nate said sitting down as I laughed.
"I always have been stronger then all of you"I bragged as Hayes turned to me and raised a eyebrow.
"I've arm wrestled all of them and they all lost"I said as Hayes smirked.
"Not me though"he stated.
I sat on one side of the bench on the ground and Hayes sat on the opposite side and we put our arms on the bench.
"1...2...3...GO!"Connor said as Hayes smiled at me and my heart melted and he instantly pinned my arm down.
"That's not fair I wasn't ready"I protested as Hayes smirked.
"Jerk"I said as all the guys laughed.
"I want a donut or 2 or 3 or 4!"I stated.
"You always want a donut"Kian said.
"How about we go and get something to eat?"Andrew asked. (If you don't know he's the one holding the basket ball in the picture.)
Wesley chuckled and looked at all of us.
"What?"jack g asked.
"You're all sweaty and gross Ya might wanna change"he stated.
"Bruh he's right we better change"I said.
I took a quick shower then wrapped the velcro towel me then I blow dried my hair and then curled it. I walked out to my bedroom and was about to go to the closet when the door opened.
"Cj we were w-oh-oh my god"Hayes said covering his eyes.
"Hayes calm down I have a towel wrapped around me"I said.
"But you're naked!"he said as I walked over to him.
"But you can't see anything because I have a towel around my"I said taking his hands away from his face.
As he opened his eyes slowly.
"What did the guys want to know?"I asked.
"D-do you wanna g-go out for pizza then a m-movie?"he stuttered as I smiled and nodded.
"Yes"I said.
I put on my black skinny jeans with zipper pockets and a white flowy crop top with my blue jean jacket. I put on my black vans and ran downstairs colliding into jack g. I groaned from the impact and he was all the way across the room and I was still in the same spot but now lying down in pain.
"Bruh you're like fucking she hulk"jack groaned as I laid there trying to catch my breath that was knocked out of me.
"Fuck you"I said.
"Cj are you ok?!"Sam and sammy asked helping me off the ground.
"Yeah"I said.
"Stop! Nate stop!"I shrieked as he stopped the car while pulling over.
I hopped out and ran into a donut shop. Leave me alone I'm obsessed with donuts.
"Cj!"Lalani smiled as I smiled at her.
She works here and she knows I come here almost everyday but hey donuts make me happy they're like a drug to me kinda like Hayes....oh my god did I just think that!?
"What can I get for you to day?"Lalani asked as I broke away from my thoughts.
"Glaze"I said as the guys walked in.
"Ok 3?"she asked as I nodded.
I paid her for my three donuts then I went to the back as all the other guys and Jenn walked in. (Watch the video at the top).
A/n: wazzzzz upp my sparkly pandas hehe I love pandas. Anyways this book is full of surprises so please stay with me.  Btw who ships samora or corayes (Sam and Cora) or (cora and Hayes)...stay tuned. Simply~Cameronsboo.

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