As the anger subsidies, the tears really start. Remembering how she had abandoned us and the hurt little girl who still didn't understand why. Kyle lifts me effortlessly and without a word, takes me into my room and lays me down, pulling me to him, he just holding me as I cry.

"Shh.. baby doll, I won't ever leave you. We won't ever leave you," he soothes rubbing gentle circles on my back. I don't know how long we lay like this, but eventually the tears slow and then stop. Kyle pulls away, tenderly wipes the corners of my eyes, then kissing the tip of my nose, and gets out of bed.

I watch as he makes his way out of the room leaving me confused, what is he doing? A few minutes later though and he's back, lifting me up again like I weigh nothing he carries me out the room, and into the bathroom. Juggling me with ease he opens the bathroom door and I see he has set me up with a bubble bath.

Leaning down he kisses me tenderly, "take your time baby doll, I'll be right here when you're done." He carefully sets me down, making sure I have my balance before giving me a warm smile and getting out. I strip out of the clothes and get into the nice warm water, laying my head back and clearing my mind. I put all thoughts of my unwelcome visitor aside. I refuse to let Kyle's thoughtful gesture be ruined, I close my eyes and let the water soothe me. I could get used to this I think as I feel my tension start to ebb away.

A little while later, I emerge from the bathroom feeling better. I head to my room and get dressed before heading toward the kitchen. My pace increases as I smell food, and my stomach grumbles, but that's not what has me rushing into the kitchen. It's the sound of my guys voices.

When I enter, they all turn and the look on their faces lets me know that Kyle filled them in on who was here first thing this morning. Aiden is the first to move as he scoops me up into his arms and places a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning, love," he whispers in my ear. "Are you okay?"

Before I can reply, Logan steals me away from Aiden. He whirls me around and plants a loud smacking kiss on my lips, which causes me to giggle. "Morning cupcake," he says, before giving me a more thender kiss. "I hear you had a pest control problem you had to take care of," he says with a grin before stealing on more kiss and then setting me down on a seat.

Kyle comes over, as Logan steps away. Looking at me with concern he says "you look better baby doll," before placing coffee in front of me. He kisses the top of my head and takes the seat next to me.

After breakfast we decide that a lazy at home day is called for so that is what we do. So several hours later I'm cuddled into Aiden's side, with my legs in Logan's lap and Kyle in front of us, watching a movie. My stomach suddenly lets out a loud grumble, causing me to blush and my men to laugh.

"Guess we had better start taking better care of you, cupcake," Logan says with a smirk. "Something sure has got your appetite up," he continues and laughs when I blush and Kyle smacks him on the back of the head. I look nervously at Aiden still worried about his reaction to me taking this next intimate step.

"Shall we go out for lunch?" Aiden says, his eyes finding mine and silently reassuring me with the love and acceptance I find there. I nod my head in agreement.

"Let's go," Kyle says as he jumps up from his spot and easily lifts me off the other two. "Logan's paying," he calls over his shoulder as he heads toward the door.

"Kyle put me down, I can walk" I say, with no real conviction, wondering if he'll even let me put shoes on. He chuckles, I'm guessing at the expression on my face and sets me down by the door.

"Yes you can put your shoes on," he tells me with a chuckle at my exasperated look, "and no I'm not reading your mind," He waits as I slip on my shoes, and grab my purse before he takes my hand. "I'm driving," Kyle shouts behind us as he opens the front door. "Grace has shot gun!" His excitement has me giggling.

Making sure I have everything I let him tug me through the door with the other two hard on our heels. What I don't expect is Kyle stopping in the middle of the doorway. "Kyle..." I trail off seeing what or I should say who is sitting there, she stands upon seeing us.

"Come on cupcake," Logan says grabbing my hips, pulling me to him, trying to pull me back into the apartment. I resist his efforts and gently step away from him, giving him a quick smile to let him know it I'm not mad at him, I turn back to woman who I never thought I'd have to see again.

"What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to go the hell away. You're unwanted and unneeded. Just leave. Neither myself nor Brittany want you here!" I shout. When I finish there stunned silence.

"Grace, I just want to talk to you" she states holding her hands out beseechingly.

"Never happening," I hiss as I resist the urge to hit her again. The woman in front me blinks a few times and pretends to wipe at tears.

"I'm your mother," she states. "Didn't you miss me?"

"I don't have a mother." I say crossing my arms. I've decided I'm done talking and start walking down the hallway.

"I suggest you walk away and never come back," I hear Aiden threaten and the coldness of his voice has me glad he's on my side.

"I will talk to my daughter," she replies haughtily.

I hear a scuffle and I turn to see her headed my way trying to get around Logan and Aiden who are blocking her entrance into my home. Kyle jogs to where I am and takes me in his arms turning me away from her and into his chest.

"No you won't." Logan responds in a deadly voice, "you will leave now or we will escort you out."

A few moments later I hear the ding of the elevator and the front door close. "How about if we just order in?" Comes Logan's voice as he steps behind me and places a hand on my back. I nod into Kyle's chest.


Aiden POV:

I run my hand down my face. What a cluster fuck. I mentally start to figure out what to do about Adeline, Grace's mother, not that she could actually be called that. The evil bitch took off years ago and never sent a word after she left. Grace was devastated, not that she was much of a mother before. Logan once described her as being willing to fuck a goat if it got her something she wanted.

We order in from Grace's favorite restaurant, and have a quiet lunch, all of us worried about how upset Grace is but it's obvious she is not wanting to talk about it. After lunch Logan took Grace back to lay down, she looked so lost and exhausted with all the emotions today.

"Are we ever going to get the happily ever after?" Kyle ask to no one in particular as he flops on Grace's couch. I shake my head not having the answer, but I sure in the hell was going to do my damnedest that bitch doesn't hurt Grace or Brittany again.

Kyle POV:

That fucking wretched woman has ruined our plans for the day I think as I watch Logan take Grace for a nap. I had woken up with Grace right where I wanted her safe and soft in my arms. We were going to have a quiet day, and then Grace was going to go out on date with Aiden.

Fuck. I take a few deep breaths calming myself. Are we going to ever get the happily ever after? I question, a bit too late I realized I said that out loud. I see Aiden shakes his head, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. I jump up and start to pace as I feel myself getting worked up again.

How do we stop Adeline from hurting Grace and Brittany again I think as I pace. I vow that I do whatever I have to, to protect Grace from that crazy bitch.

Logan POV:

I watch the sleeping beauty in my arms, as she shifts again in her sleep with her eyes scrunched up and forehead furrowed. Rubbing a soothing hand down her side and whispering that I was here to her I can't help but get worked up.

Today was shit. Grace should never have to go through dealing with that psychotic woman and I'll do my best to make sure that never happens again, I vow as the woman I have loved for so long snuggles closer to me and settles into a deeper sleep. 

I hold my girl, as she continues to sleep, trying to think of a solution to this mess. Time seems to fly as I hold her to me loving how she feels in my arms. I bend down and give her a soft kiss on her hair as she seems to be starting to stir, my arms around her briefly tighten. I don't want to let her go yet.

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