Meet the Family

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Sorry Ratliff isn't in the picture, but I wanted a young picture of them.

Btw, if you don't know (which you probably do),

it's (Starting from left)

Ross, Stormie, Rocky, Ryland, Riker, Rydel and Mark

If you don't know who any of these people are, (Which you should) it'll be explained in this chapter.




When I get home on Friday, I am literally too tired to do anything, But I manage to change into PJ shorts, a white shirt, take my makeup and take my hair down and brush it off. Finally, I get into my comfy bed, and set an alarm on my phone. I snuggle into the covers and close my eyes. Just as I do, my phone rings. I moan.

Blocked number. I ignore it and go back to bed. But, once again, it rings. I groan and ignore it again. But of course, it rings a third time.

I literally scream. Loud.

I pick up my phone and answer it.

"Listen buddy, I'm filming a movie and-" I am cut off by the person.

"I know you're filming a movie. I am too." They respond.

"Ross? How did you get my phone number?" I ask.

"Maia." I sigh. "Hey, did you just here that giant scream?" He says.

"Shut up." I say with a begging tone. I know I'm being mean, but I am so tired.

"Can you come over quickly?"

"To your hotel room?" I ask. I don't know about this. I don't think me going to the hotel room of a seventeen year old boy alone is a smart idea.

"No, to the moon. I'm on the moon." He says in a monotone voice.

"Fine, what room are you in?" I ask.

"Room 340." He says.

"Bye." I say and hang up. He's right at the end of the hall, about six rooms down. No wonder he heard me scream. I get my phone, and don't even bother putting shoes on, just socks. I walk down. I see that 340 is an adjoining suite. His parents must've come. That makes my feel a little better. I knock on the door and wait a couple of seconds.

The door quickly swings open and a blanket is thrown over my head. It's done so quickly I barely even get a view of the person. I feel them throw me, and I brace myself for the floor, but instead find myself on the couch. I hear a lot of laughing. I don't know if this is Ross or a kidnapper, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die. I'm so in shock, that I just now realize I'm not screaming, so I begin, in hopes someone will hear me. I feel these people trap my in the blanket so I can't get out.

"Guys! What are you doing?" I hear Ross say. Guys? Does he know these sociopaths? I feel the blanket being lifted off of me to find myself laying in a suite with two king beds in it. There are four boys standing over me, three brunettes and a blonde. They're all laughing a little and observing me. I get up and run over to Ross, using him as a shield. They all start to laugh. "Guys, Nina." Ross says. He pulls me from behind him. "Guys, Nina." All of the sudden, a girl walks in the adjoining door. She has blonde hair like Ross and Mystery blanket boy one.

"What's all the screaming?" She asks. She sees me and smiles. "Hi! Are you Nina?" She asks I'm still a bit shocked, so I just nod.

"that's Rydel." Ross says. He walks past me and puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles. They all stand in a line in front of me, looking at me. I smile at them all. "We are all going to go down the line and say our names. You must remember them all, and repeat them back." Ross says. I nod. Blonde mystery blanket boy starts.

C Minor // R5Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя