Asteria crossed her arms over her chest, not in the least bit fazed. "So you're just going to hand yourself over to her instead."

"No," I muttered, the fight going out of me. "She didn't say anything about capturing me."

"Right, she just wants you there for no particular reason," Asteria drawled sarcastically.

I sighed, feeling exhausted. Sheesh, and it isn't even lunch yet. "We have no other choice."

Damian also stood from his seat to stand beside Asteria. "Nah, you're just horrible at planning. We need to call my father."

"No!" Razel cried, also standing from her seat. She looked taken aback by her outburst and tried to calm down. "I mean, Lady Shiva said that only Jason and I should go. She might kill Jared otherwise."

"We're not going to go to the docks with you, but Bruce needs to know," Asteria stated calmly, turning to her doctor and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It was hard to believe that Razel was older than Asteria sometimes. Maybe it was because Asteria had seen more of the world and practically had no childhood.

Razel hesitated, but nodded carefully. She then took back her seat, and so did the rest of us. Asteria brought out her phone and put it on speaker. On the third ring, Bruce picked up. "Hello?" came his deep and gruff voice.

Asteria met my stare with steely grey eyes. "Hey Bruce," she greeted back, still not looking away from me. "You need to get here as quickly as possible."


"Are you all ready to go?" I asked, staring at the team before me. We had been working non- stop to try and find a lead on the Shadows, but nothing turned up. So when Asteria's phone call came, we immediately packed some things and made preparations to meet them in Star City.

"Yes sir," Tim replied with a small smile. I think he was relieved that we finally found something.

Everyone was looking at me and waiting for their next orders. They were all dressed in their civilian clothes, carrying small bags. "Good," I said, satisfied that they were, in fact, ready. "Take the Bio Ship with Megan. Dick and I will follow in the Batwing."

Tim looked surprised but nodded solemnly like a good soldier. "You heard him everyone! Onto the Bio Ship we go!"

"So, where we going chief?" Dick asked, approaching me as we watched the rest of the team get into the Bio Ship.

"Get your stuff," I said in reply. "We're picking up your sister."

Dick looked slightly confused before that brain of his clicked into place, and then a huge grin replaced the puzzlement on his face. "Road trip!" he sang, pumping his fist in the air before disappearing to do what I told him to.

Sighing, I rolled my eyes. "This is going to be a long day."


No one was happy that Jared got taken.

Well, that wasn't true. I'm pretty sure Jason wasn't particularly sad that Shiva had Jared. Still, all I could think about was seeing Dick again. I knew it was barely even a day since we last saw each other, but it was hard not having him beside me. As soon as the doorbell rang, I was the first one out of my seat and rushing to the front door. Wally and Tim stood to greet me.

"Hey Woods!" Wally hollered, also looking happy that he'd be back with Artemis.

"Hey West," I greeted happily back as I accepted his hug. "Where's your troublesome best friend?"

Wally looked rather uncomfortable as he pulled away, and for a moment, fear gripped me. "Oh God! Dick is fine!" he reassured me when he saw my expression. "But you should ask Tim. The B-man took him somewhere."

Wearing the Red Hoodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें