“Yeah. I ran from the system when I was ten and have been living under the radar since. Although I managed to steal my file out of the cabinet before I left.”

“What’s your name?”

“Evelyn Bentley. That’s what’s on my birth certificate and it says that I’m a twin and that both babies were brought to the same orphanage somewhere in Colorado. What about you, what’s your name and story?”

“I’m Willow. I was adopted by an abusive couple, but I only found that they weren't my real parents recently. With them, I was Willow Anderson. When I had to go to the hospital after a fight, I found my biological parents and moved in with them. I adopted their last name; Bentley.” I eyed her from head to toe, neither of us realizing that there was a car that pulled over to the side of the road a few feet away. “I had a dream that was actually a memory and it was of when my dad was convincing my mom to let him take me to the orphanage, but there was only one baby.”

She gave me a crooked smile and rested her hand atop mine on the railing. “I had a similar dream, but it was my dad tucking me into a car seat and then returning minutes later with another baby. You didn’t get to finish the memory, so you didn’t know I existed.”

There was the slam of doors and I jumped, turning to look at the car next to us. Nick stormed up to me, anger flowing off him. Evelyn turned to face the water just as he passed her and I shot her a panicked look that went unacknowledged. Jorden was stepping out of the driver’s side of the parked car and leaned against the car, his own anger rolling off him.

“What the hell are you doing talking to strangers?”

“Meeting my sister. Making friends. Take your pick, since either works.”

Evelyn pressed her lips together to stifle a giggle and I worked to keep my face straight. Nick fumed and barely glanced Evelyn’s way before taking my arm and dragging me to him. I frowned, hating the public display of possession. It was obviously for show and he was sending to Jorden, whose face darkened.

“You could’ve been killed!”

“Oh stop it!” I shoved at his chest and he backpedaled a few steps. “You’re suffocating me! I can’t talk to strangers, but I can battle monsters. How does that make sense? You know I can take care of myself, so back off and leave me alone so I can think!”

Both boys were staring open-mouthed at me and I turned back to Evelyn, nudging her arm as I walked past her, away from the boys.

“I’m going to freak them out.”

Her whispered words had just sunk into my brain when she yanked out of my grasp, turned around and waved at them. I spun too and glanced their way as I folded my arms to wait for her little game to end.

“Okay, let’s go.”

That short glance towards the boys had me trying not to burst out laughing. Nick looked like he’d been punched by a kid- confused but angry. Jorden was staring at me, then glancing at Evelyn, his jaw hanging open. She walked back to me and looped her arm through mine, allowing me to steer her towards my home.

When we arrived at my house, we were both freezing and I knew that my parents were sitting in the living room, warming themselves by the fire. I peeked into the room to find Nick and Jorden there instead. A clang from the kitchen gave away where Mom was and I turned, marching in that direction.

“Why didn’t you tell me I had a sister? A twin nonetheless!”

Mom just stared at me and Daddy came to her rescue, clearing his throat to get my attention. “What makes you-”

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