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Heyyyy I haven't updated in a couple days and I wanted to address a few things, so here we go...

1. #WeLoveYouMichael

I saw this trending and it gave me chills. From the start, Michael has always been a real happy, cheerful guy. He's always trying to make others feel better no matter what, and I find that so touching. A few nights ago he spoke up about his struggle with mental health and how he went to see a therapist over their break. I think that this just goes to show how much we don't see. He works so hard to show us the happier side of him and we don't know about the pain he's going through. He is brave enough to talk about something so personal in front of an entire arena in hopes that other people will receive help too. Let's just take a moment to appreciate Michael Clifford because he's truly an inspiration and deserves nothing but love, support, and respect from everyone.

2. In other news, WHO SAW 5SOS ON GMA?!?! I have a weird obsession with that show, so I was extremely psyched for them to preform on it. What did y'all think of it?

3. Finally, I know that I mentioned putting a concert video on my YouTube channel a few weeks ago and I'm here to tell you that it is completed. The video should be up sometime later today... If anyone is interested in checking it out, I'll put a link in a future chapter.

~ Em xx

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