Evolution of 5sos + A/N

147 23 11

2014: She looks so perfect
2015: She's kinda hot
2016: She's okay, I guess
2017: She's kinda not- now stop pretending we're friends no one knows you

A/N: Hello my wonderful readers! So I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but I'm going to go to a 5sos concert soon. I got tickets awhile ago and finally the time has come. 5sos are coming to MN next Friday which is only 8 days away! Yayy!!! Anyways, I had a few questions for you all regarding that:

1. Would you like me to send a few pics afterwards and/or do a little concert summary? (Or if you want me to full on spam you- lemme know. Lol.)
2. Is anyone else going to that show? If so, message me and perhaps we could meet up for a few minutes and say "hi."
3. Any other advice???? 😁

Thanks in advance for your input.

~ Em xx

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