Deep Frying + A/N

187 27 3

When you're in the mood for some deep frying:

Peasant: "Calum can't sing."

Me: "Honey, Calum's high notes are higher than your status."

*snaps fingers in z formation*

*drops mic*


A/N: Oh my gosh guys I'm soooo sorry I've been inactive for like 5 days. Yikes. I've been super busy with a bunch of stuff but I'm going to try to update daily again for y'all. Thanks for continuing to read the stuff I write on wattpad. You guys are the best. I love you all. 

~Em <3 xx

5 Seconds of Summer Jokes, Randomness, and Whatnot 3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن