Chapter Thirty Eight

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“same to you, I was just leaving” I pulled away.

“oh nonsense please stay, we haven't seen you in so long” his mother Gwen smiled, even though it was mostly forced I knew she meant well, his family was always so kind towards me.

I looked over at Alex who was sitting on the bench still, his head was back in his hands, I felt a little guilty for making him wait by himself, I looked towards his parents again “I want to introduce you to someone if that's ok?”

They all said it was fine, I wasn't nervous about letting them know who Alex was, infact I was happy that I could finally tell them I had moved on.

Alex walked over after I called out to him and stood beside me “this is Alex my husband, Alex these are Jamie's parents, brother and sister” I spoke.

Jamie's brother Damian was the first to offer his hand to Alex “nice to meet you, when did you get married?”

“three weeks ago” Alex answered as they shook hands.

“well congratulations, that is wonderful news Lilly” Gwen brought me into a hug.

Alex actually got along really well with them, Sarah was asking all about our wedding and I showed them photo's that were on my phone, I think we spent an hour standing there talking, Alex was talking about his job, I noticed when Paul had asked where he worked he just said he was a surgeon on, he didn't go into all the details of what specialities he done, he never seemed to brag about that.

When we left it was beginning to rain so we called into a near by cafe to get some lunch and wait for the rain to stop.

Sitting at the table I decided on telling Alex my news that I had thought long and hard over “I want to buy another building and start up my business again”

“good, I think you should do that” he said firmly.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, I moved onto the next piece of news “I found us a house to buy, it's a brand new modern house only just been built, five bedrooms with a big yard, a pool and it has no neighbours”

“and why do we need five bedrooms?” he grinned

“one for us, one each for our kids and one spare” I stated happily “unless we end up having four kids then we will need that extra room”

“well then let's set up an appointment and check it out, how much are they asking or don't I want to know?” he groaned with a hidden smirk.

He definitely didn't want to know.

“it is really nice Alex, you will love it” I grinned.

We enjoyed a nice lunch together, Alex asked me more about Jamie, I didn't want to talk about it to start with but he assured me he was no longer jealous, so I gave in and told him.

Alex asked if I wanted to come watch him perform another surgery, I told him I would think about it, the thought of watching another body being cut open didn't sit too well with me right now, but I knew I most likely would go, I loved seeing Alex in his work element.

After eating and talking the rain had stopped, neither of us wanted to go home yet so we went and watched a movie, it was nice to just sit back and snuggle with each other, kissing every now and then when we looked at each other.

When we left it was starting to rain again, we made the run to the car and headed home.

The house was empty we we arrived, looking at each other we practically threw our clothes off and jumped each other, making good use of the free time together in the apartment, hoping no one walked in while we were naked on the couch.

I made a start on dinner, grabbing some mince and vegetables to make a lasagne, it had been too long since I had cooked and after the day Alex and I have had I wanted to make him his favourite thing to eat.

Speaking of the devil, Alex walked in the kitchen, his arms wrapping around me tightly from behind “I love you” he kissed down my neck.

“I love you too” I squirmed as the kiss started to tickle as the light kisses went behind my ear.

A phone interrupted us “leave it” Alex spoke turning me around to face him, taking the knife from my hands and sitting it on the wooden chopping board.

His hands lowering behind my behind and over my thighs, gripping slightly and lifting me up, the phone kept ringing but that didn't stop him, his mouth roaming over mine as the noise stopped as it went to the machine.

“Lilly it's sergeant Wilt here, just letting you know we've made an arrest over the building, Annie Marsden admitted that her and a Sam Loter were the ones responsible, if you could call me back that would be great thanks”

Alex and I stilled, too stunned to move as we listened to the message, my sister? My sister and my ex was the ones who did that?

Loving You LaterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin