First Time Encounter

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You happened to be window-shopping, and stopped at a blacksmith watching him work the metal. It was quite intresting, that was until you got practically trampled by a boy clad in green.

He seemed to be around your age, and in a hurry. Yet, he did stop and turned around quickly,

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry!"

You laughed a bit, "Yes I'm fine."

He continued to help you up, you fell over in the events before. "What's your name?" You could tell he felt bad for knocking you over, but it didn't hurt you at all.

"Uhm, (Y/N)."

"That's a pretty nam-errrr. I-I'm Green." He laughed at his nervousness, and you joined in.

"Well, Green, if you've got places to go you shouldn't be spending your time here." You smiled. "Oh yah! Well, bye (Y/N)! Oh uhm, quickly before I leave, would you like to uhm... Maybe uh, hang out?"

"Yah, that'll be fun! Now get going!" You leave a smile on his face as he waves and jogs off to wherever he had to go.


You walked through castle town, with your nose buried within your book. Going through the town and reaching it's outskirts, you hoped to find a peaceful spot to enjoy the mid-summer breeze.

A large oak tree sat towards the middle of the field, (that's the outskirts of the town) it provided shade and was your favorite spot. Except, something was off. You then noticed, a boy wearing purple sat beneath it.

'Someone else comes here?' You thought to yourself. You walked up behind him, and tapped his shoulder lightly.

"Ahhh!" He shut his book and looked up quickly. "Oh sorry!" You laugh. "Hi, I'm (Y/N) I didn't mean to frighten you!"

He half-smiles and reopens his book. "Uhm... Are you gonna tell me your name?" You grabbed a branch and swung yourself up into the tree, it was very low though.

"Erm, sorry. It's Vio." He checks his page number before closing his book once more, knowing he wouldn't be able to read it for a minute.

"Vio? Well hello there! I don't know many people at all that come to this spot to read."

"Neither did I. You said your name was (Y/N) right?" Vio stood up and leaned against the tree looking up at you.

You nod and he smiles. "We should talk sometime. Well, since you like books too you know...." You quickly pick up where he left his sentence. "Yes, that would be fun. I must return home though now, it's getting a bit dark."

After getting down from the tree, he insisted on escorting you home. You kept telling Vio it was okay, but he eventually got his way and you two talked until reaching your house.


You happened to be walking along the training grounds, and paused, watching two boys, in blue and green tunics, dueling it out. Of course, on a day you were easily agitated, the blue boy got shoved back by the green and fell on top of you.

"What the hell Green?" He shouted, then realized he was on you. Immediately you both got red in the face. "G-get off me!" You cry out. It kinda hurt, he was quite heavy straight on top of you.

He quickly got up and stretched a hand down to you, flustered by the current events. You smack his hand away and get up yourself brushing excess dirt off.

"Jeez soooorrry!" He grumbles, but couldn't completely mask his concern. "She seems just like you Blue." Green snickered in the background. "S-shut up!" Blue growled. "Well, I'm sorry for getting in your way." You state.

Blue seemed to shut his eyes for a moment, calming himself so he didn't stab Green. "No, it's okay. Did I hurt you?" You were sort of surprised he was still nice to you after your snappy attitude.

"Y-yes. It didn't hurt that much."

His face fell once he heard your words. "B-but don't worry! It's totally A-okay!" You quickly add. Blue sighed, "If you say so. By the way, what's your name? I bet you know mine by now..." He shot a glare at Green.

"(Y/N). Don't feel bad for what happened, really, it's okay." You smiled and nervously patted his shoulder. "I've got to go now though, bye!" You run off leaving him still a bit dumb-struck as to what happened.

"Oooooooooh." Green quietly chanted behind Blue. "Shut.Up!" He grabbed his sword and marched back to Green.


You were sent by your mother to the market to buy food, and casually strolled through town occasionally buying some groceries here and there.

A peppy looking boy in red approached you. "Here, let me help you~!" He grabbed a few bags. "T-thanks." You nervously laugh a bit.

"What's your name?" He continued to follow you around. "(Y/N). What's yours?" He seemed like such a kind boy, it was hard not to like him!

"Red~! Now, what else do you need to get? I've been pretty unoccupied since my... Brothers left home for a bit." You read him your mental list and he nodded as you two traveled throughout the market.

Upon reaching your house, he gave you the bags back. "Well, I hope to see you again sometime (Y/N)!" He started to continue to what you assumed was his house. "Uh, you too Red!" You shout and carried your things inside.


You shut the door behind you and walked quickly toward the woods, away from your house. Such loud noises, so much clutter, it gave you a horrid headache.

Once deep in the woods, you leaned against a tree and slid down to a sitting position. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sighed deeply. The silence felt great to you. It was kind of chilly out, but you didn't care.

"Hey, are you ok?" A voice seemed to come from nowhere. You look around but found nothing. "Up here missy." Well, you now know it was definitely a dude.

You look up to see a purple haired boy hanging from the tree. Upside down. "O-oh... Uhm. Nothing's wrong. Who are you?" You remained sitting, he would eventually leave.

"I'm Shadow. You?" Seeing him hang from the tree like that made even you feel a bit nauseous. "(Y/N)... Now, please just leave me alone." The shadowy boy laughed at your comment.

"No young lady. Your out here at night all alone. I cannot leave." He 'humphed' and crossed his arms. "Young lady. Really. Your out here alone at night. What's the difference?"

He swung down from the tree, "Not much really. You shouldn't be alone though, especially you (Y/N). Nobody deserves to be alone."

His words made you finally drop your gruff outer shell. "Well, I guess so. Shadow, was it? I must go home soon but uhm. Thanks for actually talking to me no one really does..." You felt weird getting sorta deep.

"Oh, well no problem. I get what you mean by that... Like the part that no one talks to you. Well, if you must leave you should probably go now before it's way to dark."

You nod and start to walk away, but turn around and give Shadow the quickest of hugs and mutter "Thanks." Before quickly walking away, hoping you didn't make him hate you.

If only you knew, he stood there frozen but blushing madly.

Well that's the end for your first encounter! How did you like it? Don't forget that it's 100% cool to leave requests!

Blue: Hurry up with the next chapter.

Author/Me: Ok ok fine.... You really like her don't'cha?

Blue: NU-UH

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