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Jack Gilinsky

When I trudged into school, literally dragging myself because I just had to stay up so late, I was met with my best friend, Sammy Wilkison. "Dude, you look terrible what happened? Did a bear attack you on the way?" He teased me. "Whatever, I stayed up real late posting a video." I replied before I was shoulder checked, "What the hell?" I whipped around and met intimidating blue eyes, I couldn't speak. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice looking guy but I'm not gay. "Watch where your going." He snapped me from my thoughts, "Me? You ran into me." I replied, "yeah. Whatever." He turned around and walked off, Jack Johnson! That's his name, he's a rapper, which I find awesome.

Jack Johnson

"Geez, what's his problem?" My friend, Nash Greir, asked after our encounter with Jack and his friend. "Who knows with him?" I shook my head. Nash and I parted before class, I had English honors, "Good morning Jack." Mrs. Bonfiglio said and I replied with a polite good morning back before taking my seat beside some soccer players. I don't know why she would sit me here, all they talk about is last night's game or famous soccer players that nobody knows. Bonfiglio gave us our lesson, we needed to read some poem but we all know I wasn't going to read it until last minute. All throughout my next 3 classes I couldn't wait for lunch, it was pizza day!

Sorry this is short, I broke my phone and just got a new one. But anyways here's this.

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