Walk Along The Pier

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2 months later

Anna and Skylar walked along the pier, hand in hand. Now they weren't doing as much work they could spend as much time with each other as the wanted. I'm talking picnics, dinner dates, walks like this one etc.

They stood at the end of the pier and they both rested on the railings, looking at the city.
"It's so beautiful isn't it?" Anna asked moving closer to Skylar.
"Like you then isn't it?" He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She giggled at how sweet he was being.
"I can't believe we've been together 1 year." She said looking up at him.
"Actually 1 year, 4 days, 15 hours and..." He looked down at his watch and said, "27 minutes. Look like I'm counting or anything." He looked into her eyes and she just giggled at him. Sometimes they would just stare into each others eyes and not say a word. So if you were around them at this time, you would find it very, very awkward.

They kisses each other passionately. He held her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Nobody was walking past at this time though...luckily for them!

As they broke the kiss, Skylar held Anna's hand and walked to the very edge of the pier with her.
"It's getting dark, should we head back to the car?" She asked swing their hands back and forth.
"Not yet." He replied smiling.

As they reached the end of the pier Skylar didn't look at the city, he didn't look at the ocean. He looked at his beautiful girlfriend staring at him. He rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out something. Anna's jaw dropped and she put her hands over her mouth as he got down on one knee.
"Anna, ever since the beginning I've loved you. I'll always believe that we were made to be together. When we weren't together for a month I watched all of your movies and looked at pictures of you, just so I could remember your beautiful face, body and voice."
"So you were like a crazy fan?"
(...me!) She only just managed to get these seven words out. She was still amazed at what he was doing. (That sounds innapropriate!)
"I guess so!" He chuckled. "All I'm saying is, I want to be with you. I want to spend everyday with you. I never want to leave your side...not like a creepy stalker but as a couple. Let Kastin be forever let it be the best couple that there has ever been. So Anna?"!
She began to cry as he said those four words every girl wants to hear.
"Will you marry me?"

(I'M SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE! I didn't know what to write, then I woke up this morning and thought...LET'S HAVE A KASTIN PROPOSAL!)

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