Guess who?

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As Anna landed in the UK, she immediately was surrounded by people with cameras shouting things like, "Anna I love your work! You were great in Twilight!" That's one thing she hated, she hated the fact that she was mostly remembered for twilight. 'Why twilight? It's not even that good of a film!' She thought as she kept walking. She took a few photos with her fans but she really needed to get to her hotel room as soon as possible.

She flopped on the bed in her hotel room and called Skylar on Skype. He answered straight away but he looked super tired and she was super tired aswell.
"Hey!" He said stopping himself from yawning.
Anna just smiled and said "if I could kiss you now I would!" She smiled and began to cry a little, just a little.
Skylar smiled and asked, "So how's the UK?" He wanted to change the subject fast as he hated seeing her upset like that. She's still beautiful though! No matter how many tears streamed down her little face , she was still the most beautiful girl in the world.
"It's lovely but there's on bad thing." She answered finally.
"And that would be?"
"It's fucking freezing! I swear my tits have frozen off!"
Skylar laughed and then looked up, he saw that she was falling asleep. He smiled and nodded of aswell.

~ The next morning ~

It was a good job Anna plugged in her laptop to charge. She lifted her head from the keyboard to see a sleeping Skylar. She smiled but then checked the time. "Shit! I've got to love you and leave you Skylar!" She shut her laptop and quickly got changed.

As she arrived on the set she had realised how many of her dreams were coming true. When she was little she always said I want to be a princess and now look at her! She loved the cast too. They were all really nice to her. But she still missed her Skylar.

The weeks passed and she'd spent an entire month without him. She hadn't ever missed somebody as much as him. He wasn't just her boyfriend. He was her best friend.

She went for lunch and called him 5 times but he didn't answer. She suspected he would be sleeping, she loved how he smiled in his sleep. She liked to think that he was thinking about their relationship but then she realised that he was probably dreaming about Mila Kunis, it was most likely the Mila Kunis thing.

She sat down and gave up with calling him. She realised that she shouldn't try and wake him up as he is really moody when he gets woken up. She stood up to walk back to the set and heard it. That voice she had wanted to hear for four weeks now!
"Guess who?" He said. Anna quickly grabbed him and squeezed him and he did the same back. "I've never missed such a tiny person in my life!" Anna laughed and playfully punched his arm. "I got one question for you Sky? (A/N what are those... no just no!) Why are you here?" She said not meaning to sound rude. "I've finished filming and now I'm free. For a long, long time. So sorry sweetheart but you're going to have to put up with me!" He said softly kissing her lips. She felt like it had been forever since she had kissed him, when in fact it was 3 weeks, 6 days, 4 hours and 14 minutes ago. Not like she was keeping count or anything. She hugged him quickly before dragging him onto the set. "Stand there, I've just got one scene left to do today and then I'm free." She kissed his cheek and ran onto the set.
As she finished filming the scene for 'Your Fault', she quickly got changed and left with Skylar. And Skylar being Skylar got straight in the hotel room and put on their songs. They danced and laughed and sang together for a space of time that felt like seconds but it was actually 2 hours!
As they ended their dancing session, Anna stared into his eyes. His beautiful dark eyes that made her jaw drop every time she looked in them. She kissed him passionately and did what she had wanted to do with him for weeks!

Skylar hadn't realised how much he had missed doing with her, kissing her, dancing with her and well sleeping with her was on a whole other level. But it was well worth the wait.

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