You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone!

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Skylar helped Anna pack her bags, he helped her get ready to fly out to film The Last 5 Years. He couldn't help but notice how down she was acting. This wasn't the usual, sarcastic, beautiful etc. Anna he would get up to see in the morning. This Anna seemed upset, worried and emotionally unstable.

He walked over and cuddled her from behind. "What's up?" he said kissing the top of her head. "Nothing." she quickly replied. "Really?" Skyla knew she was lying to him to cover something up, he just didn't know what. "Because it seems like you upset and worried about something. Are you hiding something? Are you cheating on me? he said sarcastically. "No, I just don't want to go." she replied sitting down on the bed. "I don't want to leave you for 3 months, I mean yeah we can call each other and Face Time you but it's just not the same as seeing you in person. I want to sit round campfire's with you and have you sing to me and cuddle me when I'm upset. But we won't be able to do that for a while. I'm going to miss it all." she said grabbing Skylar and hugging him tightly. She held back the tears and didn't stop their hug for a good 3 minutes.

Skylar turned up the radio. "Hey, it's the song we sang by the campfire." he said making her smile for the first time today. "May I have this dance?" he asked holding out his hand. "Why of course you can Sky." She took his hand and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Skylar but his hands on her waists and they rocked side to side. "I don't want to say goodbye." she said. "Then don't!" Skylar said kissing her passionately.

As the song ended and they walked down the stairs. Anna realised that she had forgotten very important. "Wait!" she said running back up the stairs. She grabbed the photo frame she bought Skylar for Christmas. She came back down and said to him, "Here, I don't want you forgetting about this." Skylar smiled and handed her it back, "No you keep it, I don't want you forgetting what I look like whilst you're away." She held his hand as they got into the car.

Before they reached the airport Anna turned on the radio and heard herself on the radio. She looked down and smiled. "Oh my god." Skylar started singing along as he acted like his dorky little self.

"I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

 Two bottle whiskey for the way

And I sure would like some sweet company

And I'm leaving tomorrow. What d'you say?"

 Anna couldn't help but smile at him and join in with his amazing singing.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone"

She grabbed his hand and carried on the song with him as the rest of the family joined in. They came along to say goodbye to Anna and Skylar admittedly said he didn't want to say goodbye alone because he would become an emotional mess.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my walk

You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

The one with the prettiest of views

It's got mountains, it's got rivers

It's got sights to give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my walk

You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh

You're sure gonna miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my walk

You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone"

As they arrived at the airport, Skylar cracked. He began to cry as he realised he was saying goodbye to his beautiful girlfriend that he had said he loves in front of thousands. Even though he was still allowed to act and perform he didn't want her to go. He felt empty without her around. Skylar knew even though she was filming 2 movies, he was going to miss her so much. She didn't need to act as a princess, she already was one to him.

As Anna began to walk down the tunnel to the plane, she turned back and ran. She hugged Skylar tighter then she ever had before. "I'm going to miss you awesome nerd." Skylar laughed and kissed her softly before replying, "Don't you forget about me!"

As Anna boarded the plane Skylar texted her saying '4 songs on repeat in my ears for hours! Remix to ignition, one last dance, don't you forget me and...Erm...oh look, you! Xox'

Skylar sat in his car and listened to their songs. The same four songs on repeat for 3 hours and Anna downloaded the songs and had them on repeat for the whole of her plane ride.

Beca : 'Don't miss me too much! ;) Xox'

Skylar smiled and texted back 'That's gonna be hard! Xox <3'

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