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at the vongola mansions

'small step can be heard at the hall of the mansion and came stop infront the office room of vongola primo,Giotto who is currently busying himself sighning the paper, hoo.. seriously his arc enemy , his mussing came to stop when a small knocking can be heared,he peaked his head looking at the person who just entered his office and smiling widely at the chibi version of himself who is looking at him with his wide brown eyes tittled his head a bit and says.

"good morning,papa." tsuna says while smiling cutely at the older man.

giotto who is trying really hard to not glomping the little bunny, smiled back at the child "good morning tsuna, just wait for a moment,I'll be done in a minute".

"hai. papa"said tsuna still smiling,he can help but looking at primo, it was unbeliveable fact that he and giotto reseamble each other to much .thinking about his conditions right now,he still remember the conversation a week ago.


when they came inside the mansion they directly going to giotto office with talbot,G,asari and the kids trailling behind them, giotto ushered the kids to follow them,he even offered to carrying tsuna,but takeshi says he will be okay carrying him.

(Kids POV )(he he I can't resist ya know)
After a while tsuna awoke,mumbling to himself about seeing ghost,when takeshi poked his head,he looking up at his friend and became paled again when he seeing the first generation walking not to far from them.
"E-ehh' we are really in the p-past" says tsuna stuttering a bit.

"Hai....looks like it is, and they think we are they sons,seriously *twitch* tch that ahoshi,always giving people a trouble.."muttered hayato.

"Then let's just play along, beside old man Talbot is here,maybe he will help us go back" says takeshi, making his two friend stared wide eyes at him, titled his a bit looking at his friend and ask " hmm..nani did I say something wrong?"

0o0....says tsuna.

0-0...says hayato.

"wow its the first time,baseball freak using is brain"muttered hayato to tsuna.

"e-ehh... y-yes..it is.."says tsuna sweatdrop a bit.

the conversation between the kids came to stop when talbot calling them..looking at each other eyes they understand they need to play along.

(talbot pov)

"it is just like i say before they are you future sons. exectly when i trying to repair the machine, i've taken the wrong compenent to put it together and then #BOOM# here they are your three adorable sons,,hehehe... maybe i need to wear a eye glasses"the last part he says in a low voice.

everyone in the room only sweatdrop at the inventor,slighly thinking"maybe he is getting caught by his old age".

the man in the room looking at the kids with many experision ,thinking that the kids infront of them are they future kids,they dont know how to act.

when they still zoning in their mind,giotto suddenly feels presure at his lap,when he looking down at it, he feel shocked,here in his lap lies the kids with the same face as him,looking straight at his eyes, for a moment he became stiff,dont know what to do, he suddenly broke from his mussing when he hear the voice from the person in his lap.

"say's who 're you, you do looks like papa and that oji-san over there says re my papa?, " said tsuna with his big eyes, tittled his head a bit, trying his best to acting like a kid.

at the moment Giotto feels like something blosoming in his heart,he feel like he need to protect the child. when he look at the child he found himself smile at the at the eyes that was starring at him.

" even if it was to diffculit for a child(yeah child) to understand,but yes , i'm your papa,and so do myz friend, i assume the two kids with you are their son". says giotto looking at his friend smilling , he know at the moment G,and asari,still cant get over it,when being told,they will meet they future sons,so at last he will help them with introduction.

"waa...it's true, re do look l'ke un'cle G, and asari,"says tsuna happyly running to the said frozen men who is still shocked,

when he stood in front them,tsuna suddenly turning his head looking at takeshi and hayato and says "nee,, takeshi, hayato looks it's re papa"chirped tsuna happylly,with a meaning*came here and start acting like a kids*

The two kids,slightly understand the meaning of those word, and walking in front the adult, at the moment they look up at the men ,they noted the men still looking at them with disbelief,awe.
luckylly for them the kids begin to talking .

"Ha~ha..it's true, you do look like my oyaji.."says takeshi smilling widely, trying to ease the tension at their surrounding.

"Tch of course they are , baseball freak ,they are our past parent, and tch..that one was my old man" said hayato,suddenly felling irritated at the man in front of him.

And that how the silence staring between the first generation guardian came to stop.

"D****t I,m not an old men!! Show some respect brat!!"cried G suddenly felling annoyed.. Being called an old men,seriously he only 21 years old,

Meanwhile asari, he only smiled at his friend antic,felling glad he looked at the child beside him,the child still smiling looking at his friend..when he called for the black haired boy, he feel just like he was starring at himself .

"Says what are your name,can't you tell me,"asari said

"Ha~ha~.name is takeshi,so your are my oyaji then." Said takeshi smiling widely.

"Ha~ha.. I don't understand exactly, but yes like he says I'm your father. It's nice to meet you".says asari smiling.

Giotto with his mini-me looking at their interaction from other side of the room with Talbot. Slightly feels glad that everything gone well.

(Talbot POV)

"Hmm.. Its look like all went well. Then I need to go back home,
Please take care of them Giotto, I'll trying to create another device to send them back to their time."says talbot at Giotto,who is still looking at them,turning his head looking at talbot the same as asari and G.

"Hai..sensei,we will take care of them, and please sensei no more explosion."says giotto with expressed voice,hoping talbot don't make another thing explode,he pray for the safety of those kids when they use another one of his creation,and don't forget the paperwork will increasing at his desk.

(Flashback end)

And then here we are,walking to the dinning room with the kids,trailing behind the first generation.

Heh. The introduction surely will be interesting..



SO R&R.....

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