Broken bazzoka?

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Disclaimer-I do not own khr only the plot.

(At some place)

Spanner POV.

"It,s weird, why am I felling like this.just like some demon will be hunting me"(an:yeah just wait reborn came for you)

spanner walked ahead to his laboratory's to upgrade the box weapon at the suggestion of reborn(blackmail).

Inside the laboratory there are someone waiting for him,
"hmm..did you need something giannini-san"spanner says. "Giannini suddenly walked to him an asked, "spanner did you see a black box here?. "No"I said."it something the matters giannini-san".

(Giannini POV)
Giannini continue to pacing around,slightly nervous and muttered something about 'demon spawn hunting him'. Giannini composed himself and says' "that box contains something important, that given to me by talbot-San, and he even give me an warning 'do not let anybody use it'.Giannini paled slightly remembered a certain mechanic "Oh before that can you help me upgrade this bazzoka first, I need to searching for that box"
passing the familiar bazooka to spanner, making him startled for a second and thus thinking"eh this is?.

(Spanner POV)
I slightly started looking at the bazzoka and says " giannini-san doesn't the bazzoka has been deliverer to the vongola kids" i say's
"Eh what are you talking about" he suddenly ask with a disturbed face..I slightly confused why did he become more paler than usuals.."yesterday I ve working at the bazzoka, after that I,ve sent it back to them..ara...his face became more paler."Giannini-San are you okey" giannini suddenly say/shout at me."Eehhhh!!!don't tell me y-you t-take the ba-bazooka from the rack outside the building!! " hmm...yes I found it outside, after all the bazzoka contained the vongola address so I think,".
Giannini suddenly shouted"NOOO!!!! You have take a wrong bazzoka, that one was from talbot-san, he asked me to destroy is. Cause that thing are broken!.Giannini exclaimed with a horrified face, thinking about "if something bad happen"and "tortured by a demon spawn, suddenly they heard a ringing tone, *ring-ringg* giannini take the phone and put it beside his ear only to paler when he hear the person who calling him,

(Giannini POV)
suddenly the phone is ringing, I move foward to take and put it beside my ear,before I manage to ask who is it I hear the other side talking with the tone that make bone frozen..yup I ve finished the demon(reborn) is calling..

(On the other side)
*$*%Damm you inventor!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE BAZZOKA!!!


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