part 1

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Disclaimer= I do not own khr,,only the plot!!

It,s all started when 'hmm let just say a routine to tsuna'lambo dediced to throwing an granade toward reborn..and reborn dediced to ignore him like alywas.

Oh..okaeri tsu-kun, takeshi-kun and hayato- kun
Haha..good afternoon to you sawada-san.
Good afternoon sawada-san.
mou... how many time i.must say ,just call me mama.
ahaha well...
Ch..stupid baseball freak show some respect..

Oka-san..where are reborn and the others?"weird? reborn are supposed to be kicking my head,when entering the house..

Ja..we will be in my room then okaa-san,,
Let,s go minna.
Hai jyuudaime" haha..let go..say,s takeshi and hayato..

To be continued....

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