26 | Laura Laurent

Start from the beginning

"Avery what do they put in these things?! I'm having an explosion of happiness in my mouth right now!" Sophia exclaimed, making me jump in my seat a little.

I pulled myself out of my head to look up and see Sophia standing in front of me, gripping a half-eaten muffin in her hand, of which the other half was currently falling and crumbling out of her mouth.

I am so screwed.

"It's sugar, something you definitely do not need. Right now or ever." I scolded gently, reaching to take pastry from her.

Sophia all but hissed at me, as she coddled the muffin to her chest. She pushed her chair back and away from me, so there was no possible way for me to get it now without getting up and grabbing my crutches. Even then, she would probably still outrun me easily.

"I'm not five. I am perfectly capable of handling my sugar." Sophia defended before messily stuffing more food into her mouth. If anything proving my point.

"I disagree," I drawled drawing out the I. "The FDA should ban Seth and you from consuming foods with a sugar content over-"

I fell quiet when someone came through the door and began walking towards Sophia and I's table. Sophia noticed my change in expression and turned in her chair to look behind her.

"Dios mío," Marisol muttered once she was close enough, taking off her sunglasses. "They got you good this time around huh?"

Mildly offended, my mouth fell open in shock, but it soon fell into a smile. Weeks of not seeing each other and the first thing she has to say to me is an insult. For me though, it was clear that it was just a joke.

I could see the worry in her eyes that was hiding behind her bangs. Underneath her tattered shirt, I knew from experience that her stomach was tight with stress. The hands stuffed in the pockets of her tight black jeans were clenched together, trying not to punch anything.

"And it seems like you forgot the memo that it's 90 degrees outside. The leather jacket Mari? Really?" I asked in an exasperated tone, leaning my chin on the flat of my knuckles.

Marisol began to laugh, before her famous smirk set on her face. Her laughter eventually died off, and then her eyes fell on Sophia, searching her considerably.

"And you must be Sophia?" Marisol wondered aloud, stepping closer to the table.

Sophia turned to face Marisol completely and stuck out her hand for her to shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Marisol. Avery has told me so many nice things about you." Sophia spoke in a proper tone.

At that, Marisol couldn't hold back her laughter. She doubled over, gripping onto the chair in front of her for support.

Luckily Sophia didn't look too offended. If anything she was confused as to what was happening in front of her. I wanted to be angry at Marisol for being so impolite, but I couldn't bring myself to it. Marisol's smile was rare and beautiful, and I didn't want to interrupt the sight.

Marisol took heaved in a great gulp of air after she concluded her laughing fit. She straightened her back, giving Sophia a twisted up smile.

"Then Avery has been lying to you because there is nothing nice about me." Marisol declared, crossing her arms over her chest. I shot her a look, and she shook her head back at me. "It's true, and you know it. What's the last nice thing I've done?"

My mouth gaped wordlessly, offended by her self-deprecation. Marisol is an amazing and good human being; I wouldn't be friends with her if she wasn't. But finding the evidence to support that is a rad difficult.

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