Outer Judgement

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Isnt it funny how guys and girls will talk to you,like you have no reason to be in this world. Decent Conversation,but one question in the back of their mind keeps playing. How do they look? I can't disagree, because I'm the same. Trying to see if the girl or guy your talking to,won't make you turn in shame. (Not  bisexual,put Girls or Guys,due to the readers gender. Also,Look deeper than looks. Shouldn't ever shame anybody due to looks.)

Its the same thing,two people who play the same game. Hinting in and out,great personality. But will I be scared when I wake out of bed? And see who is next to me? Will they make me jump and run away from them? Or am I just being shallow and judging by facial skin?

Reality is,No one wants a out-of-their-league. Equal compatibility. Well,that's just me. But than again I don't judge by looks. See it written in so many teenage books.

We are shallow. Those who dare,care about the amount of hair,on top of ones head. The ones who care about,how much room you take up on the bed.  The shallow people who care about your smile,if its crooked. Well than,that's alright for now. For now? Oh no.

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