Chapter 27

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It's four in the morning and Vernon is barely getting home. I'm so relieved to see him after yesterday's events. I get up from the couch and hug him tightly. At first he's a bit surprised by my affection but he immediately hugs me back.

"Are you okay Kylie?" he asks with his hands still around my waist. "Yeah I'm fine, I just missed you is all." He intertwines our fingers and leads me to the bedroom. "I'm so tired." He says as he flops onto the bed.

I'm exhausted too. I follow suit and flop onto the bed. We're laying so close together I can feel the heat radiating off his body. His grabs my wrist to kiss my hand and I wince in pain. He notices that I kind of pull my hand away. "Are you sure that you're okay?" He questions again.

I just nod and kiss his cheek. He takes my hand again and inspects them. "Kylie, why do you have bruises all over your wrist!?" Vernon raises his voice. He takes my other hand and sees the bruises on that wrist too. "Kylie oh my gosh! What happened? Who did this to you!?"

Fucking Cole knew he was going to leave marks. I might as well come clean, I can't hide this from him. "Remember Cole? My ex? I went out for a walk by myself today and I bumped into him. Turns out he was stalking me." Vernon's eyes look like fire.

"He made me go with him to his hotel room and he told me that he, that he loved me and wanted to be the father of our children. And he." I can't even go on. "And he what Kylie? Did he touch you?" I look down and I feel tears forming.

"Kylie answer me!" Vernon's whole body is tense and he looks sick. "He tried to. He tried to rape me but I got away." I make eye contact with Vernon. He takes a minute to process the information.

"Where's he staying at?" Vernon gets out of bed and walks towards the closet with both his fists clenched. "What?" "Kylie now is not the time to act stupid." I don't think I've ever heard him use this tone.

"He's uh, he's staying a few streets over. At the hotel with the green fountain in the front?" I don't know why he would want this information but then I see him pulling a bat out of the closet. "Vernon don't!" I can't bare to see him get hurt. Cole is taller than him by at least six or seven inches.

"Nobody is going to touch you like that and get away with it!" He storms out of the room with me hot on his tracks. "What's the room number?" I cry even more. I don't want him to fight. I wish I could calm him down.

"Kylie!" He raises his voice again. "23" It's barely audible because of my sobs but he heard me clearly. He leaves the apartment and slams the door. No no no no! What do I do!?

"Hey, what just happened?" Ally comes out of the guest bedroom looking terrified. She probably heard Vernon yelling.

I fill her in on everything that happened and she immediately calls Wonwoo. After she gets off the phone she says that Wonwoo, Mingyu, S.Coups, Woozi, and Seokmin are on their way to the hotel.

I'm relieved but then I also feel guilty that they're all getting into it. It's all my fault. Why does Cole have to be such an asshole.

"You should probably go to bed Kylie. The boys will handle it." Ally puts her palm on my shoulder for comfort. "No, I need to stay up to see if Vernon will be okay. I can't sleep."

She's crazy if she thinks I'm sleeping. Maybe I should also go to the hotel. But if I tell Ally that I'm going she'll try to stop me. "Okay I'll go to bed." I lie. She believes me and heads back to the room with Maddy.

I give it about five minutes then grab my car keys and leave. When I get to the hotel I see the group of boy walking towards the room. I park my car and get out in a rush. My heart is racing so fast I don't know what I'll do if I see Cole hurting Vernon.

I can hear Vernon and Cole shouting at each other from here. Mingyu turns around and says something in Korean which makes the other boys turn their heads. Seokmin stops and starts walking towards me.

"What are you doing here?" His voice is panicked. "I need to make sure Vernon is alright." I try to walk past him but he grabs my forearm. "We can handle this, you might get hurt." I just ignore him and yank my arm away walking past all the boys.

They look stunned and try to get ahead of me. I make it to Vernon just in time because Cole just swung at him. "Stop!" I yell but it's like talking to a brick wall. Vernon reals his arm back and punches Cole square in the jaw.

That's it the fight has begun. Punches are being thrown left and right and pretty soon Vernon ends up on top of Cole. Cole's nose is bleeding and so is his eyebrow. I'm so shocked I didn't know Vernon had it in him.

The boys are just standing behind me as shocked as I am. But they don't do anything to stop him. I decide to stop it before he kills Cole.

"Vernon stop, let's go home baby" I desperately try to get his attention. He doesn't listen to me though so I get physical. I pull at his shoulder to get him off and the next the thing I know I'm on the floor and my face stings badly.

I feel a warm liquid running down my lips. I touch it with my finger to see that it's a red substance. I'm bleeding. Vernon just backhanded me.

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