I followed Wyat to the basement. I hid on the stairs, and listened to the closet door open. A zipper came undone. Curse words muttered. I quickly, silently, made my way back up to the middle floor, and into the kitchen. As soon as I sat with a drink for Devynn, he stormed in. I looked up at him.

"Wyat? Is there a problem?"

Receiving a side glance in response, I took my leave. I climbed up the stairs to my room, and locked the door. Walking to the closet, I quietly called out her name. When I opened the doors, Devynn was leaning forward. I handed her the small cup of water. She took small sips of it. I heard her mutter a 'thanks' and smiled.

Banging on the door interrupted my thoughts. I quickly gestured for Devynn to hide again, and closed the closet. Opening the door, I saw Wyat, furious. "What?" I asked. He glared at me, "You know what!" With that, he stormed into the room, shoving me aside. I hoped he wouldn't find her.

Devynn's POV

Wyat knew. He knew I was in here. I held my breath, and pleaded for him to leave. Wyat was tearing through the room, while Jay tried to convince him to get out. I clutched the glass in my hand, shaking in fear. I didn't realize the glass was slipping out of my hand until it was too late. The glass shattered on the hard wood floor in the closet. Everything was silent. The closet doors ripped open, and Wyat stood in the doorway. I shrunk back, as Wyat stepped inside.

He tore through the clothes, getting closer as Jay tried to get him out. My hand set down on a shard of glass, and an involuntary cry of pain came out my mouth. Jay stared at my hiding place in horror. Wyat leaned towards me, and revealed my shaking form. Grabbing a fistful of my ratted hair, he tossed me onto the remainders of the cup. My blood ran freely. Sobs wracked through my body. Jay and Wyat were both yelling. I couldn't make out what they said.

Wyat gripped my upper arm and tossed me from the closet. He raised his fist, and I placed myself into a fetal position. Before the fist made contact, Jay grabbed it. Wyat and Jay glared at each other. Wyat shoved Jay aside, and they started to fight, Jay's training giving him an upper hand.

Feeling useless just sitting there, I scrambled around for Jay's phone. Finding it, I quickly dialed the police. It rang, and a man's voice answered.

"This is the police. What is your emergency?"

I took a deep breath.

Garren's POV

I managed to convince the sheriff to at least let me back in the police department. I sat in the sheriff's office, staring at a picture of Devynn and I on my phone. Five months, fourteen days. Devynn had been missing for five months and fourteen days. Devynn's smile branded into my mind. I closed my eyes and sighed. The sheriff sat across from me. The clock ticked slowly.

Suddenly, the door burst open. A middle-aged woman came in, looking flustered, yet excited. "Sir! She's on the phone!" The officer left, and the sheriff and I followed after her in ernest. A male officer awaited us, his phone on speaker. Devynn's scratched voice came from the reciever. "I don't know the address." The police officer told her that the sheriff was there. He and the sheriff switched places. Fighting sounds came from the receiver, and the officer told us it was a fight on her side.

The sheriff asked her where she was. She didn't know. I leaned forward, "Dev? Do you know anything about your location?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "Ga-Garren?" I said yes. "Garren! It's Wyat! Wyat Brent!" We all looked at each other, and an officer went to search for the location. We heard an 'oomph' from the other end, and Devynn screamed.

The line went dead.

The office was filled with people trying to find the location, the sheriff barking out orders. A female officer stood up and yelled out. "I've got an address!" Multiple people, including me, ran to the officer. She sent the address to the sheriff's GPS, and a large group ran to the cop cars. I got in with the sheriff, ready to save my best friend.

Devynn's POV

I was surprised at Garren's voice, but pushed it aside. "Garren! It's Wyat! Wyat Brent!" I exclaimed. I heard someone fall behind me. Jay lay beat up on the ground. Wyat walked up to me menacingly. I screamed as he grabbed me, and stepped on the phone.  Wyat tossed me across the room, my body landing with bang.

Wyat came up to me, and I shrunk in fear. His foot met my stomach, and my head. I cried out. It was torture. He paused, and I lay beaten on the ground. He looked at me with pleasure in himself. I could see a blurry outline of Jay coming up behind him. Jay pulled his fist back, and punched Wyat in the back of the head. Wyat fell to the ground unconscious.

Jay limped over to me, and sat me up. "Did you call the police?" I nodded. "Do they know where we are?" I shrugged my shoulders and nodded again. Jay tried to pick me up, but was too weak. Instead, I stood up myself, and he did as well. We heard sirens in the distance, and leaned onto each other, both of us supporting each other.

Garren's POV

We finally reached Wyat's house. I was eager to get Devynn back. Everyone got out, and used the car doors as shields, their guns drawn and aimed at the house. The sheriff got a mega phone out and turned it on. "Come out of the house unarmed. We have you surrounded." The front door opened, and two silhouettes appeared in the light from inside the house. The cops aimed their guns, and the porch light turned on. A beat up Devynn stood leaning against a beat up man. They limped down the steps, supporting each other.

The sheriff sent a squad into the house, and I ran forward. Devynn and I saw each other, and she flinched. I stopped and looked at her confused. The man glanced between us. "Devynn?" I asked. She looked up at me. I stared into her eyes, once bright, but now dull and lifeless. Recognition flashed through them, and she glanced nervously at the man. He nodded, and limped off to an awaiting EMT and ambulance. Devynn looked back at me, and lifted her arms slightly.

I closed the space between us and enveloped her in a hug, careful of her injuries. We collapsed to the ground, me cradling her in my arms. We cried together, both of us happy to see the other. We sat for a while, until two EMTs came over with a stretcher. They strapped her on, and I ran alongside them. We got into the ambulance, and drove off. I rubbed her hand with my thumb.



"Don't leave me."

I smiled at her. "Never. Go to sleep."

She nodded, and closed her eyes.

AHH!!! Insanity is almost over! Only one more chapter left!!!!

I made this chapter long to make up for last chapter.

I don't normally do this, but please Vote Comment and Share!

2,000th >word!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHH!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!

Thanks for reading guys! If I get at least 10 votes on this chapter, I'll try to publish the last chapter today, and put this story in the Wattys!



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