"What are we going to do? What if we are stuck here in Troy? Does that mean you would go after Hector then if Achilles doesn't come?" I ask her wanting to know our plan.

"I have no idea Meg, I really don't know what to think. Anything I try to say or do might have a horrible outcome in the end." she tells me with a sigh.

"You think it would be like betraying him if you told Hector you may like him? Just asking cause if Achilles doesn't come something tells me Hector would dump that snob asap just for you." I tell her as she looks back at me.

"I can't answer that Meg, I don't even know the answer. Now you get some rest. I'll see you first thing in the morning." Di tells me with a smile as she goes to the door.

"Night sis. See you in the morning." I tell her as I lay on my side.

Diana's POV

I walk outside of Megs room and lean against the doors. Why does my heart have to play games with my mind? I really didn't understand any of this. I knew I felt something strong for Achilles but Hector I just don't know. What if Meg is right and Achilles doesn't come? It's not like he couldn't get another woman right? That's all we are to men in this time. Toys that's it. I sigh when I hear someone giggling. I decide to follow the sound. I look around the corner and see Helen kissing another man who I know for sure isn't Paris.

Oh no, he was serious? I thought he was just screwing with me. Now I can't help but feel bad for the poor idiot. I turn back and walk as fast as I can away from that scene. I mean seriously Helen has a prince was that not good enough for her? Just as I am about to go to my room I see Paris in his garden looking at the pool of water in the center. Darn me and my empath tendencies. I walk forward and kneel down beside Paris.

"Oh Diana, I didn't hear you come in." Paris says trying to put his act back together.

"You were serious weren't you? I think you know Helen and you don't have the love you want don't you?" I ask him as he just looks at me a little shocked.

"Hector thinks everything I do is to be with some woman. It's not true I thought we actually had something but I don't know I can sense a change between us." Paris says trying to explain to me.

Oh buddy you have no idea how right you are. If I did tell him he was right though would that make things better or worse?

"If your senses were right then what would you do?"

"I don't know, love works in funny ways." he says as he throws a rock into the pool.

"Are you sure it was love and not lust? I've heard those two can be confused quite often." I tell him as I put my hand in the pool making a ripple. "See the ripples in the pool Paris? Think of those as your decisions, see how they start off small but then become bigger? Each action has an equal reaction."

"I should have never brought her here should I?" Paris asks me.

I shake my head no, the I see another person join us in the garden, Aletha. Oh this all that I need. She is definitely going to take this the wrong way.

"Oh I see, they are you whores when Helen isn't around." Althea says with a smile.

Just as I move to lunge at her Paris puts his hand on mine and shakes his head no then turns back to Aletha. Paris stands up and starts to walk her way.

"No, you have assumed wrong. Unlike the rumors you have heard about my brother and I we don't just bed people as you do Aletha." Paris tells her.

"How dare you! I have never bedded anyone in my life." she yells and then goes up to Paris and slaps him. "You may be a prince but your just as much a whore as she is."

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