I am really getting tired of being way to close to the prince who started the war all over some woman and now he just wont keep his person to himself. So against my better judgement my future side kicks in and I stomp on his foot as hard as I can then run to Hector to hide behind him.

"Ah! Do you see what she just did brother?" Paris asks in shock.

"She ran away from you by my eyes. Why not go back to Helen? I am sure she is missing you." Hector tells him as he stands protectivly over me.

"You must be joking brother? You would defend a random woman over your own brother?" Paris questions Hector.

I roll my eyes. It's his pride and lust that got this war started.

"Go on Paris, you aren't thinking correctly." Hector tells him.

Paris turns and walks away from us like the spoiled little child that he is. Then Hector turns to me and smiles.

"I did not imagine you would bring her all the way here yourself." Hector tells me surprised by my actions.

"When I make a promise I intend to keep it." I tell him as I smile back at him. "However I must return for I would not want my absense to go noticed."

"You would not stay? It's true my father would give you a reward." Hector says taking my hand.

"I'll ask you a favor as my reward. Don't attempt to kill anyone is Achilles armor. Do you promise me that Hector?" I say as I take his hand in mine.

Maybe this way he won't attack who he thinks is Achilles and accidently kill Patroclus. He looks at me confused.

"Are you his woman? Achilles?" he asks as he looks into my eyes.

"Ok listen here pal I am no one's woman! I am not property to be claimed!" I tell him pulling my hand away from his. "I kept my promise Hector will you keep yours?"

Meg's POV

Serisouly how long has Diana been gone? I swear when she does things like this it just puts me on edge. How am I suppose to distract both Patroclus and Achilles? Dawn is quickly approaching and usually Patroclus and Achilles wake up right after that. At least Diana tells me that is what Achilles does. Just then Patroclus wake up and holds me a bit closer to him.

"Did you not sleep well last night Meg?" Patroclus asks me.

"Just a bad dream, I'll talk to Di about it later on today. Nothing to worry about though I promise." I tell him as we both sit up.

Then the tent flap opens and there stands a very unhappy Achilles. Oh crap Diana where the heck are you cause he looks pissed. Achilles walks inside and looks straight at me.

"Where is Diana?" he asks me trying to use his fake kind voice.

"I haven't seen her. Maybe she is down at the beach or perhaps in the food tent?" I say questioning him in return.

"I have checked the beach and she was not there...is there something you are hiding Meg?" Achilles asks me with a cold tone.

Oh come on how come I am always the one to get thrown into these situations? Just as he is about to ask me another question Di walks in with an apple just about to bite it.

"What?" Diana asks looking at all of us. "Can't I get food without an escourt?"

"Diana we need to talk right now." Achilles says taking Diana by her arm and leading her out of the tent.

Achilles POV

She was gone again! Diana knew that I did not want her wondering around alone. Yes the priestess was no away from us but that didn't mean that she nor Meg was safe at all. I hated waking up and her not being there. It made me think that she was hiding something. I went to Patroclus tent and questioned Meg who seemed completly clueless about what was happening. Then Diana just happens to walk inside with an apple in hand. I grab her and pull her out of the tent.

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