Chapter 4: Meeting His Family

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Author's Note: Ammara, I promised you someting better than the alley scene. Here it is. Hope you like it.



"This paper peeling off the walls

I see the paint from yesteryear

We try to cover up the past

But tiny secrets still appear

So please don't say it gets better,

It gets better, it gets better every time

I'm not better, we're not better, even after all this time."


"Why have you brought me here?" I asked as Luke parked the car outside the Trinity Church Cemetery. He didn't answer me and got out of the car, came around to my side and opened the door.

"Step out."

I didn't budge. "Tell me why we're here?"

"To make love to the dead," Luke replied sardonically, growing irritated. "Get out already or I will have to drag you out."

I glared at him, stepping out of the car with dignity. Luke closed the door behind me and told me to follow him.

"You can't order me around like this," I said unmoving, my shoulders squared and chin held up. "Tell me why we're here!"

"Things would be so much easier if you just listened," he said grabbing me by my right elbow and before I knew it, he started to pull me inside the cemetery.

"Hey, let go!" I cried, failing to jostle out of his grip. As I paced my feet to match with Luke's speed, I looked around the cemetery but there was no one there at that time. I looked back at the front and to my horror, the crypt came in view. I tried planting my feet on the ground, resisting Luke's pull with all the energy I had. "Stop, stop! Where are you taking me?"

He glanced back at me with a grim look. "Taking you to the place I found his dead body!"

My eyes blurred with tears and the composure I had since gaining knowledge of Luke Alexander's existence, was completely lost. "Don't take me in there! I-I'll tell you what I know! Just, please—Don't take me in there!"

"Too late, sweetheart."

Losing his grip on my arm, Luke roughly pushed me inside the small, dark chamber. It was chillier here than outside. I tried to glue in place but Luke dragged me to the stairs. The old-fashioned torches that lined the wall suddenly lit up, illuminating the stairs and the chamber below, just like they had three years back.

"No, please! Please!" I kept shouting, blinking back tears. I was trembling with fear as Luke pulled me all the way down the gloomy steps. He stopped and turned to me, glowering.

"You lured him in here to get revenge on him."

"I didn't do anything!" I said failing to keep my voice steady.

Luke shoved me roughly to the wall. "Liar!" he snarled. Tears welled up in my eyes and I looked away, trembling. "It's awfully bizarre why'd you bring him here to—you lured him in here and then you killed him! Why would you lie that he raped you? It's sick for a girl to lie about such a thing!"

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