Dark:(Chapter 35)

Start from the beginning

“I promise I’ll make it out alive.” He half-heartedly joked.

The spot just below my ear received a small kiss when I gave him little response. Obviously aware that I was in no mood to have him joke. He drew back, astonishing green eyes burning into my blue ones. I quickly turned my head as Harry leant in to my lips. He appeared shocked by my rejection, refusing him as I have done on our first date. His nose nudged at my cheek, willing me to accept his affection.

“Don’t I get a kiss?” He whispered.

My eyes squeezed closed with the hurt lacing his voice. Fingers tightly gripped the edge of the table.

“For good luck.”

My silence caused his head to drop, gently prying my grasp from the table ledge. His touch was careful as he played with the tips of my fingers. My body seemed to tense as his lips made contact with my cheek whilst raising my hand to leave a kiss to the back.

Breath trembled from my mouth as he released me, leaving me cold and alone in the corner of the now seemingly frightening room. I watched as he picked up his gloves before making his way over to the door. He didn’t look round as he exited. My heart was thumping wildly in my chest.

My head shook, I couldn’t let him leave, not like this. I didn’t want him worrying about me, especially as he was about to step into the boxing ring. He needed to focus on that, not me. I hastily scrabbled down from the table top, stumbling over to the door. My anxious gaze fell upon Harry’s naked back as he walked barefoot down the narrow corridor.


He swiftly turned at the sound of my voice, his eyes wide with concern as I ran to him. My hand grasped the back of his neck, tugging him down to forcefully press my lips to his. The gloves were dropped to the floor as strong arms held me tightly, our mouths savouring the feel of each other. When we drew back we were both heavily breathing, foreheads pressed together.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered.

Harry softly smiled before fiddling with the paper plane pendant he had retrieved from where it was hidden below the material of my neckline. He brought my hand up to his chest, pressing it closely to the bare, tanned skin.

“You have my heart, keep it safe.” He whispered.

My lips parted with Harry’s quiet words, staring up at him. I leaned into his body, placing a kiss to where my hand previously rested.

“I will.”

One last sweet peck was shared between us before he reluctantly moved away, picking up the disregarded gloves. I was left with the feel of Harry on my lips as I hopelessly watched him walk away.


His head twisted, curls flopping over his forehead.

“Kick his arse.”

I heard him laugh, strolling away down the hall.


I was dirty, cold in the vast room. A high ceiling above us, boxing ring in the centre. It made me wonder if this had once been a gym, all be it a very long time ago. But I could see the potential. It was nothing like the gym in which Harry and Tom worked, left abandoned and to ruin.

Word must have spread about the looming fight, any number of people talking as they stood or sat round the ring. How long had people been waiting for this showdown? An uneasy feeling washed through me, knowing that there were stakes held against each of the fighters, someone had to lose. There was money going to be made out of the victor. The thought made me feel nauseous.

Dark: (Harry Styles Fanfiction) By Han_RawrWhere stories live. Discover now