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Not my picture.

Kelly reached back home first and the first thing she did was run straight to Brie's room kicking off her heels on the way. She may not have been able to console her this morning but she could now, so she will. Kelly never imagined caring so much for an ex especially a wife he is basically still married too. But she trust Brianna and she just likes her a lot.

"Brie!" Kelly called out when she reached by Brie's door, she won't just barge in. She got no response and it freaked her out a bit knowing her history with running. "Brianna!" Once more the blonde bombshell got no response. Kelly called her like three more times before entering and not seeing Brie but then she heard the shower and seconds after she heard it turn off and Brie entered the room jumping back and holding her heart. Kelly scared the shit out of her, she wasn't expecting Kelly to be there. Kelly smiled a bit at catching her off guard.

"Oh my gosh! When did you get here?" Brie asked honestly not knowing she was here until a few seconds ago.

"About three minutes ago. I rush up here firstly. One shoe on the stairs the next in the hallway." Kelly shrugged with a smile. "I was calling you but apparently the water was too loud." Brie raised a brow at Kelly she never heard a thing. Wow I'm going deaf but then again I did have on all shower heads so....

"Sorry about that." Brie sighed and then look through her suitcase for something to wear.

"It is not a problem." Kelly honesty told as Brianna flashed her a smile. Kelly found it strange that Brie didn't even seem uncomfortable that she was only in her towel with her in the room. It may sound weird but it made Kelly feel better knowing she is comfortable around her.

"This jeans but with what." Brie pulled out a ripped up blue jeans questioning. Kelly grew a huge smile, anything with clothes she is willing to do. Kelly moved to Brie's suitcase as Brie took a seat on the bed looking on. Kelly searched through and found nothing cute but simple.

"Don't stress your head over it. I'm not going anywhere." Brie didn't want her to fuss over it. Kelly shook her head, she have nothing to match it with in a casual way.

"Put on your clothes by the time I'm coming back." With that Kelly rushed out to find her clothes. Brie was going to protest but was too late. So she sighed and got up from her bed putting on her undies, bra and jeans. That took longer than it seems. She then walks to the mirror and begin to blow dry her hair.

"Can I come in?" Kelly asked from behind the door making Brianna silently coo at how cute she sounds. Brie looked down an notice she was only in her bra but didn't care.

"Yeah!" Brie quickly replied as Kelly entered. She smiled at her still blow drying her hair. Kelly looked at Brie.

"You have a great body!" She complimented hoping not to weird out the other woman.

"Thank you!" Brie chuckled, turning off the blowed dryer and walking towards Kelly even though her hair isn't fully dried. Kelly hold up a white hoodie that had the words 'hippie love' on it. Brie's face lit up as she took hold of it and smiled brightly at Kelly who returned it. She knew Brie would love it. She then let go of it watching Brianna put it on. Kelly herself wasn't fully dressed she had on her vest and boy shorts. Brie felt the need to return the favor. Brie dug in her bag and pulled out her short black jumper. Kelly noticed it when she was searching and found it cute but of course she wouldn't just say that. Brie nodded as the two speak to each other through facial expressions. Kelly happily put it on.

"You are keeping that. It fits you perfectly!" Brie gushed.

"And you can keep the hoodie. It was made for you!" Both women smiled before laughing and laying on Brie's bed.

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