Text 5:
Sorry for all the texts.

Text 6:
Is everything okay?
I know you said you
don't start work til 4
so I just hope that
you're okay. You can
tell me if something's
wrong. Okay?

Oh Christ! Lauren waited for the brunette to answer her call as she smiled the fourth Camila-inspired smile of the day.


"Hello, Camila." Lauren smirked and shifted her bag onto her other shoulder as she continued on her way.

"Hi. I was just thinking about you." Camila literally made herself blush as those words came out of her mouth before she could think of something less ridiculous to say.

"So I've gathered..."

"Yeah, sorry about-"

"No, I'm sorry. I was busy all day and my phone was turned off so I just got your texts and I'd love to go out with you...to get curry." Now it was Lauren's turn to blush.

"Yeah?" Camila cleared her throat and brought it down a notch. "Yeah, that would be great. I'd like that a lot."

"Good. Well, since you're free for the rest of the evening, and I'm on my way to go assist with a monstrous armpit tattoo, you can pick up the take-away and I'll see you at the shop at seven?"

Camila's stomach had turned at the mental image of the fat man's tattoo, but it quickly turned into a fluttering mess when she let Lauren's idea sink in. I'm going to see Lauren tonight. I'm going to see Lauren tonight. Lauren Jauregui. Tonight.

"Camila? Camila? Are you there?"

The brunette had forgotten to confirm Lauren's proposal. "I'm here! Sorry. Yes. I'll pick-up and seven. I'll be there at seven. Yes."

"Alright. See you then, Camila."

"See you."

The girls said their goodbyes. Lauren pushed through the shop door with its familiar jingle. Camila clutched her phone to her chest as she lay on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, starry-eyed, and suddenly realized I've nothing to wear!


"Harry! Answer you're fucking phone you dick! I've been trying to call you all day. Christ!" Camila paused and took a breath. "I would really just like to talk to you, is all. I'm...I think I might remember some stuff from Friday and I just want to talk to you, okay? Alright, bye."

Camila snapped her phone shut and tossed it on her bed, which was littered with the entire contents of her closet. The brunette stared down at the heap of clothing, trying to focus on the task at hand. Okay...just take-away and hanging out at the shop. Casual.

Her phone beeped from its place in the pile. A text from Harry:

Sorry babes. Too loud
in the pub. Talk later.

Camila angrily typed a text back:

No prob. I'll tell Lily
you say hello.

Fuck! Harry was avoiding her and she knew it. During the last seven months since she'd moved to San Francisco, he had always made time to check in and chat a bit. At the very least, he'd send her obscene messages about what he'd been up to the night before, photographic evidence included. Please, I need to talk to you, Harry.


"Stop flinching."

"I'm sorry, Lil. It just hurts real badly."

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