Scene 30: Freedom

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Travis was exploring a garden she'd just discovered when she was interrupted by an unexpected knock on her bedroom door. "Yes?"

Her dad peeked in the door. "Hey, pumpkin."

"Hey, Dad." Travis went back to scrolling over the garden.

"Your mom and I have been talking."

No good can come of this. An information card popped up over a particularly drab, withered flower.

"And we've realized that maybe a month was excessive. You're a good kid. It's not like you do these things regularly."

Travis raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, we've exposed you to worse. Hell, it's probably our fault you were even at that party."

Travis bit back half a dozen responses. Just like my father to try to play the diplomat. She tapped the wilted flower to add it to her inventory. Maybe I can sell it to a mage in the marketplace.

Her dad ran his fingers through his hair and shoved his other hand in his pocket. "Anyway, you're no longer grounded. Just don't go to any more of these parties. If you want to drink, come do it with us." He left, quietly closing the door behind him.

Travis stared at the door for a minute, and then burst out laughing. Did that really just happen? She messaged Rose and Gloria: I'm free.

What does that mean? Gloria responded.

It means I'm not grounded. I can leave the apartment whenever I want.

That's great news! Rosa chimed in. Now, we can show you the best way to hang out in the virtual world.

There's a better way?

A pair of Yes! responses appeared at the bottom of her screen. We'll pick you up Saturday afternoon, Rose added.


Travis felt a bit lighter as she walked into the animator workstation that morning. Most of the apprentices offered Travis a smile or a wave. Melinda hadn't arrived yet, and Travis wasn't sorry to see that.

She sat down and logged in, then spent her morning painting. Brice had been impressed at how she'd handled the incident and promoted her from object rendering to backgrounds and set design. He'd been grumpy about it, but the veteran animators seemed pleased with the decision. For the time being, she was coloring scenes while she watched other background artists work, but she found she really enjoyed the quiet pace.

At lunch, she couldn't find Noel so she sat by herself at their usual table, assuming he'd join her when he got there. But it was Will who sat down instead. "Hey."

"Hey?" Not that she wasn't thrilled to see him, but she wanted to ask him so many questions, most of which centered on, "Why have you been avoiding me?"

Will pursed his lips and stared at his tray.

Oh, goddess. Did I say that out loud?

"I know. I just... I was... I guess I felt jealous because you were starting to hang out with the self-appointed cool kids, and that was a crowd I was never going to be invited to hang with." He twirled his fork. "I kind of liked being the only person who'd figured out how cool you are."

"You still think I'm cool?" After everything's that happened?

Will nodded. "The gang misses you. You should come back." He finally started eating his lunch.

He didn't have to say which gang. "I'd love to! I've missed watching everyone."

Will grinned. "How about Saturday? We're holding an exhibition at the business park over in First Health's sector, right outside the town center."

"Saturday sounds -" And then she remembered her plans with the girls. "-like I already have plans." When Will's face fell, Travis waved her hands. "Oh, no. It's not what you think. I'm hanging out with my housekeeper's nieces. They've been keeping me company while I've been grounded."

"Oh!" Will's relief didn't reach Travis. "Okay, then. Another day."

"Yes, definitely!"

The two continued to eat their lunches in silence, Travis grateful to have Will's friendship back.

A Caged Bird - Chasing Normal, Arc 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora