Chapter 9

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I'm so glad it's the weekend. The main reason is because I don't get to see Justin.

   To be honest, I couldn't even look into his eyes anymore. I felt stupid. Did I actually think he was going to kiss me? I don't even know why I'm having these stupid thoughts. I'm Linda Marshall. I hate almost everybody.

     Especially Justin. What was I even thinking when I agreed to tutor him. He'd only get on my nerves like he was now. From now on I will only keep what we have together strictly educational. No hatred or love involved.

    Only then will he understand that I'm not interested in his womanizing games.

     "What are you thinking about? You look as if your brain is going to explode any minute now." My dad chuckled. Dad was sitting on the sofa reading the news paper and I was sitting by the coffee table with a cup of coffee in my hands.

    "Nothing." I mumbled taking a sip of my coffee. He studied me carefully.

     "Right. I wanted to talk to you about hanging out with that boy." My dad said resting the news paper beside him.

Wait. How did he kno-  MAX!! I'm so going to kill him.

     "Max told you, didn't he?" I asked but it was more like stated with hatred in my voice.

      "He only wants what's best for you. I do too. You should stay away from Justin Starr. He is nothing but bad news." He told me in a stern voice.

     Gosh! Where was mom when I actually needed her.

       "Dad, I'm seventeen. I know what to do. And Justin and I have nothing going on. He just asked me to tutor him." I told him.

      I knew my dad well. He was fun to be around but when it comes to me, he's way too overprotective. I think it's because of what happened.

      "I know but be careful and don't be gullible. This generation is.....manipulative. You are my only daughter and I don't want you getting hurt...again." He told me seriously.

       I smiled at his words. I'm glad to have a father who cares for me.

       "Okay dad. Geesh! Why so serious?" I chuckled. He lighten up.

        "Just saying." He muttered picking up his newspaper and started reading.

       "Dad I'm going shopping today and I need money." I told him. He put down his paper and looked at me.

      "You shop? Wow. How much do you need?" He asked.

      "Two hundred bucks." I grinned. He froze.

      "Go rob the bank of America. I'll even lend you my Halloween mask." He joked. Or so I thought.

   Dad can be real crazy sometimes.............


    "So you're avoiding me?" Justin asked from behind me. I could tell his voice from anywhere. If I knew he was going to be at the mall, I would've stayed home.

    "No." I said not bothering to turn around.

    "Hey Linda!" I heard a little voice greeted cheerfully. I turned around and spotted Lilah. Immediately a smile crept on my face.

     "Hey Lilah! How are you?" I said hugging her. Just seeing her lifted my spirits even though I've only met her once.

     "I'm alright. But he isn't. He's been thinking about you all day." She told me. My eyebrows raised as I looked at him. What??

   He shoot her a glare before meeting my eyes.

     "She's just a kid. She has no idea what she's talking about. So...why are you here?" He asked me.

       "I'm shopping idiot." I rolled my eyes. He just chuckled.
Then he turned his head in the direction of his sister.

        "Hey Lilah. Isn't that Becka and Mindy over there? Why don't you go and say hello." He told his sister pointing at two little girls sitting by the fountain along with their parents.

        "Sure!" She agreed skipping to their direction.


       "I called you yesterday and you didn't pick up and Friday you were acting weird. What did I do this time?" He asked getting straight to the point.

   I stood straight and looked else where.

       "Nothing. It's nothing." I mumbled.

   He used his index finger and thumb to lift my chin up so I was now looking into his captivating eyes. Gosh I hated him! He was starting to make me feel nervous and..

        "It's not nothing. The way you're acting totally gives it away." He told me.

        "It's nothing, I swear." I told him trying to look confident. His hand rested on my cheek. What the f*ck was he trying to do?

        "You're lying."

         "I'm not."

         "Yes You are. Tell me."

          "No." I croaked.

          "Tell me."


           "Tell me."

            "Fine!" I snapped. I looked around to make sure no one was hearing us. No one seem to pay any attention since we were in a corner.

            "That moment we had in the car is making me feel weird and I don't like it." I told him honestly.

             "But we barely kissed!" He exclaimed.

              "Don't say that word because I won't ever let that happen." I growled. "And from now on. Keep your hands to yourself playboy."

     He frowned. "I don't think I can do that. I'm suppose to make you smile."

         "Forget that part." I told him. He looked at me for a minute then shrugged.

         "Fine. Strictly educational." He mumbled walking off to his sister.

      Whew! Got that off of my chest.


      I was having a nap when I heard my phone ring. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 9:00 pm. I mentally groaned and took out my cell phone. I had a new message.

    From: Justin Starr

Will you come to party with me tonight?

    To: Justin Starr


    From: Justin Starr

Please. After this I'll back off and go with your 'strictly educational' plan.

    I thought about it for a moment. Max wasn't staying here, mom and dad are probably asleep so that's a yeah. I just hope I won't regret it.

     To: Justin Starr

*sigh* okay. Be here in ten.

From: Justin Starr

Wise choice babe. ;) I'll be there.

  I rolled my eyes at his text and I quickly changed and added some makeup. I curled my hair and just as I was done, I got a text.

    From: Justin Starr

I'm outside. Let's go.

  I didn't bother texting back. I just tiptoed out of my room and down the hallway and downstairs and quickly got out the door.

   Let's just hope the night goes......okay.

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