Chapter 1

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It was the first day at that hell hole we call high school. Like any other person, I should be ecstatic because this was my senior year but I was quite the opposite. I glanced at all the groups that were gathered in their own little space. There were the 'Populars', the Geeks, the film geeks, the rock star wannabes (as I call them) , the jocks and then there was us. Me, Lauren and Stacy. We didn't fit in either one of the groups. Stacy was shy and didn't like attention at all but she wasn't a geek. Lauren was outgoing and always smiling but she doesn't fit in the popular group because she's too nice (Sometimes).

And then there was me. I have that 'I don't care' personality and it has suited me well. I didn't fit with the geeks or any other group but who really cares? I don't, because my best friends are awesome! Most of the time, anyway.

"Well senior year, here I come!" Lauren shouted gaining everyone's attention. Sometimes Lauren can be too outgoing. I rolled my eyes as Stacy let out a giggle.

"This is going to be a long freakin' day." I groaned as I walked away with Lauren and Stacy falling in step.


"Look at him, Lin he's like a Greek god but much much sexier." Lauren mumbled as she stared at Justin Starr in awe. Even Stacy was drooling over him and that was rare.

"He's a menace. A jerk. His ego is bigger than everything including his body." I muttered as I took a bite from my burger. I'd rather eat than drool over that goofball.

Although he was a little..nah. Who am I kidding? He was really good looking. But I knew better than that. Looks fool people all around the world. He was like, Taylor Swift said and I quote 'a nightmare dressed like a daydream'

He had blonde hair that always seemed windswept, bright blue eyes that were captivating and a well defined jaw. His lips were always fixed in a smirk and he liked to show off his eight pack that drives the girls crazy. Lauren 's been crushing on him since kindergarten. Yeah. That long.

My eyes widened when I realized that I was checking him out and he was looking at me with a smirk on his face. I immediately turned away and pretended that I didn't really care.

"Well the menace or should I say this way." Stacy stuttered freezing in her spot. I turned around only to see that jerk standing right next to me.

"Um. What are you doing here?" Lauren asked flipping her long blonde hair.

"Just came to say hi to such beautiful ladies. Tell me, what are you're names?" He asked staring right at me. I wanted to shrink in my chair but I decided to try and look unaffected.

"Oh! I'm Lauren." Lauren blushed and waved at him.

"I'm Stacy." Stacy mumbled looking at him in disbelief. Come on girls! He's just human.

Now his eyes were on me waiting for me to say something. I smiled sweetly at him.

"And I'm..not talking to you." I told him as I took a bite of my burger. He raised his eyebrows surprised. Lauren shrugged.

"She's not a fan of yours but I am." She batted her eyelashes at him attempting to flirt. I wanted to puke. Stacy was still staring at him as if he was a superhero. Get it together girls!

"It's alright. I think she's going through the first stage of liking me." He smirked. It was my time to raise my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Denial sweetheart. That's the first stage. You know that you wish there was something between us but you're denying it." He shrugged. It's official people, this guy was delusional.

"You're right. I wish there was something between us." He smiled in satisfactory.

"A whole continent." I added and his face fell. I got up and marched out of the cafeteria.

I felt extremely pleased with myself. I really didn't care that the whole cafeteria was watching and was now whispering. I just shut down the playboy and that's that.

I know. It's short. Blah blah. How was the first Chapter? Vote*comment*share :*

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