Chapter 6

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One word.


  He was unbelievable!  This is exactly why I loathed him in the first place. I will surely approach him tomorrow morning.

  He had better watch his back.


"Hey playboy! Can I borrow him for a second?" I pulled Justin away from the blonde he was flirting on with by his collar. He looked beyond surprised.

"What did you do?" I growled as I got to my locker. He crossed his arms.

   "I have no idea what you're going on about." He told me flatly.

   "What did you say to Mrs. Flores?" I asked.

   "Oh. That." He said smiling at me evily. "I might or might not have told her that you would make a wonderful tutor for me. She simply agreed."

    "Oh I hate you." I spat. He rolled his eyes.

    "You're so dramatic. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun." He clicked his tongue.

    "I'm not sure what your definition of fun is but I'm sure it's not the same as mine."

     "I'll keep that in mind. So since you're going to be tutoring me, let's exchange numbers." He said taking out his phone that apparently, is in the latest model.

      "Not in a million years." I snapped walking away.

      "Oh come on! It's not like I'm going to be calling you often." He said exasperated walking after me.

       "It's enough that I have to see you when I don't want to, I can't afford to have you ringing up my phone." I mumbled.

        "Linda, I know you hate me but can you please put away your feelings aside and just look at the situation as it is. I'm not asking you out or anything. I'm simply exchanging numbers in case something comes up or something and we can't make it, we could just call. Stop acting so....difficult."

       He looked frustrated, but for once he was actually being serious and not attempting to flirt with me so I sighed.

       "I usually don't let people get away with saying the last sentence but since you're being kind of reasonable, I'll let this go." I took out my phone and we exchanged numbers.

       "There. That wasn't so hard. So...your house or my house?" He asked.

        "Your house. I don't want you at my house." I told him quickly. I really don't want mom or dad or even Max freaking out. They are not very fond of him.

       "Okay. That hurt, but whatever. Now I'm going to go back to my blonde that you borrowed me from earlier. I have ten minutes before school starts." He grinned walking backwards.

     "You're disgusting!" I called after him. He laughed and walked away.

   Now I hope this is not going to be as bad as I think it will.

Oh, who am I kidding!


   "Your house looks like a mansion." I gasped at the sight. Damn! His family surely is rich.

   "Thanks." He muttered in a bored tone. It was as if he heard that before. Well of course he would.

    We got inside and I looked around. Everything looked so expensive. The marble floor, the  chandelier, the
It was just lovely.

     "Let's go to my room." He walked up the stairs and I quickly followed him.

   His room was really neat. I didn't expect that. His bed was made and everything in his room was white. There was a desk at the corner of his room with a desktop computer and also a shelf with books. Again, not what I was expecting.

     He sat on the white couch that was across his bed. He patted the seat beside him and I quickly moved. For some reason I was acting nervous. I think he sensed it.

    "Why are you so nervous?" He asked me raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

     "Oh nothing! You see, usually I'm always forced to tutor the school's bad boy and I always get the opportunity to come in his house. It's a daily basis kind of thing." I said excitedly, sarcasm dripping off each word. He gave me a flat look.

     "Your not really flattering." He muttered taking out some books.

     "Where's Lilah?" I asked curiously.

     "With mom doing something they usually do." He muttered.

      "Like what?" I asked.

       "Like, shopping or eating ice cream. I don't really know." He seemed as if he didn't want to talk about it. His house seemed pretty quiet. My house was always noisy with Max in there. Well he's only staying for two more days before returning to his dorm. That should be nice.

      It took me about an hour going over some basics with him and questions that I swear, he pretended not to know the answers to. When we were done for the day, I was more than happy. I started gathering my things ready to leave.

      "You're pretty good at this tutoring thing." He told me. I shrugged. Although I was almost antisocial, I was really smart. I guess the time that I should be communicating and socializing with others, I used for just studying. How fun.

     "Well I can't be like you 'popular' people. I do need education." I muttered putting my backpack on one shoulder.

     "What do you even have against us anyway? I've seen the way you've looked at us. And it's always with disgust. Why?" He asked. I blinked twice. He really was observant. But should I tell him why? He would probably have a different view of me.

      "It's nothing. You guys are just not my cup of tea. That's all." I brushed it off.

       "We can't just not be your cup of tea. There has to be a reason behind it." He told me looking directly into my green orbs. I played with my fingers and I didn't meet his eyes.

     "Why are you so persistent?" I asked him.

     "I don't know. I think I got that from my dad. He's a persistent man. He always needs to know 'everything' and he never gives up on anything at all." He chuckled. I watched as his adams apple bobbed down. Really disturbing.

     I let out a small chuckle at what he said. "The persistent playboy does have a good ring to it." I muttered. He laughed. Then it got all silent and weird.

     "See? I'm not so bad." He grinned. I smacked his arm.

     "You're not bad. You're horrible!" I exclaimed laughing along with him.

    Maybe. Just maybe this wasn't going to be too bad.

They are getting along. Yay! What do you think about Justin? If you guys have any ideas on for the next chapter feel free to comment.
XJuliaX until then stay breezy. :*

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