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Vera didn't show up for an entire week after Joe took her home that day. She called Joe the next morning to tell Jordan she had a very bad sinus infection and to not let anyone come near her house until she came back to work. She wanted to be alone. Of course, Joe was upset by this but he did as she asked. So there was no doubt that everyone was excited when she walked into the office a week later, looking better than ever.

Joe was in his office, talking with Aleks over a video about Aron, Aleks and himself going out and being 'extreme' with a mini bike, when a loud screech could be heard from the main room. Joe and Aleks, along with everyone else in the office bolted towards the main room to find Stefani screaming whilst hugging someone.

"YOU'RE BACK, OH MY GOSH, I'VE MISSED YOU!" It soon clicked in everyone's mind who it was and they rushed forward, ready to squeeze Vera in a tight hug and welcome her back.

Despite how badly Joe wanted to go up and hug her, ask her how she's been, tell her how much he's missed her... kiss her, he had to wait. He had to wait until everybody had calmed down.

"Hey guys." Vera softly chuckled, everyone slight taken aback by her voice. It sounded scratchy, as if she had been yelling all day. She let out a small cough, but a smile still remained on her face.

"Woah, sweetie, are you okay? Are you sure you should be here right now? I mean, you look great! But you don't sound too hot." Stefani asked, placing a hand to Vera's forehead, checking to see if she still had a fever.

"I'm fine, Stef," Vera laughed, pushing away Stefani's hand and shaking her head. As Vera talked to everyone else, Joe couldn't help but admire how much healthier and happier she looked. Sure she had been gone for an entire week due to a sinus infection and her voice sounded awful, but the dark bags that used to reside under her eyes were practically non-existent, and there was now a distinctive color to her cheeks instead of just ghost white skin.

"Hi, Joe," Joe blinked, realizing he had been staring at her from across the room and now she was standing right in front of him, grinning from ear to ear. She held out her arms and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. "I missed you." She mumbled into Joe's ear so only he could hear it.

The rest of the day was spent with Stefani and Joe catching up with Vera, whether it be what's been going on in the office or with their personal lives. Both Joe and Stefani were very happy over how much more positive Vera had been today, mostly because they know she had gotten the much needed rest she deserved.

Towards the end of the day, Vera made her way out of the office and to her car in the parking lot which had been there for over a week while she sat at home, sick. She had to take a taxi to work that morning and let's just say she won't be doing it again. As she was unlocking the drivers side, Joe came running up to her and began to talk even though he was wheezing slightly.

"Would you like to come over tonight and hang out?" He asked, trying to catch his breath in between each word.

"I would love to, but how about you come over to mine instead?" Vera suggested, leaning against the open car door. He breathlessly nodded, a grin on his face. He held up his finger to signal for her to wait while he ran back into the office. She got in her car and patiently waited for Joe to come back. He returned within five minutes and knocked on her window. She rolled down and Joe stuck his head in, his hair falling against Vera's cheek.

"I'm gonna take my car, so I'll meet up with you."

"You couldn't have told me that before you made me sit here and wait for you?" Vera grumbled, slightly aggrivated.

"Nope!" Joe shouted, slapping his hand against the car door. He ran off to his car and followed after Vera as she pulled out of the parking lot, making way to her apartment. When she arrived, she got out of her car, slamming the door shut behind her. Joe did the same and jogged up to her, smiling at her.

"Want to do a puzzle? I got one with baby ducks on it and it's only 500 pieces." Vera asked. Butterflies soared through Joe's stomach at her geeky statement.

"I would love to, it sounds like a lot of fun." He gushed. Vera smiled and led them inside, disappearing into her room whilst Joe waited in the living room. He took this time to look around at the walls. She had many pictures of friends hanging on the wall. The first one that caught his eye was one of Vera and him.

"Found it!" Vera shouts, walking into the room with the puzzle box hoisted into the air, snapping Joe from his trance in the living room. Walking into the kitchen, she set the box down in the middle of the table, opened it, and poured all the pieces onto the table. Joe walked over picking up a piece and studying it.

"You have to do the edges first," Vera said, taking a seat and setting up the cover of the box for reference, "It's easier that way."

"I love how you have a strategy for putting a puzzle together." Joe chuckled, sitting across from her at the table. She laughed, shifting through the pile to find any edge pieces. Joe began helping her out and soon enough they had the frame put together.

"When I was in high school, I used to do puzzles, glue them together and do stuff with them." Vera stated as she started to try and fill in the middle.

"What kind of stuff?" Joe asked, genuinely curious about what she did with the puzzles.

"I would give them as gifts, or sell them. If they were cool enough though, I put them on display in my room," She smiled softly, reminiscing on the old days, "puzzles were my shit. I don't really do them anymore."

"Why? If you love them so much, why did you stop?"

"Work, mostly. I haven't had anytime to unwind or relax. The only reason I have the one we're doing is because my mom sent it to me in the mail, hoping to rekindle my passion for it." Vera gently placed a piece down, perfectly fitting it in between two other pieces.

"You're damn good at it." Joe laughed, causing Vera to do the same.

Only about an hour later, they finally finished the puzzle.

"I should go back and glue this together, and we can save it for the memory." Vera suggested, staring at their new masterpiece.

"You totally should!" Joe exclaimed, "You could hang it up in your office."

"I could. Oh shit, it's almost ten," Vera placed a hand on her forehead, "I've got stuff to do before bed."

"Oh, well I guess it's time for me to head out." Joe frowned slightly but Vera was too caught up in her thoughts to notice.

"I had a lot of fun, Joe. Thanks for coming over and keeping me company." Vera said, grinning at Joe past her open front door.

"I did too. See you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course." She chuckled softly, waving goodbye as Joe made his way to his car.

We're Going To Be Friends ➮ Intern JoeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang