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So what you're nervous? You'll be okay; everyone is nervous on their first day. There is no need to worry, everyone here is an adult, and will act that way.

As soon as that thought ran through Vera's mind, four men ran past her in the parking lot and into the field next to the office building. One was wearing a red hat, one had a beanie with a long sleeved shirt, another had a very long beard, and one man was holding a camera. She recognized the man in the red hat immediately to be Jordan, her new boss. They, along with most of the other guys, had already met. She quickly recognized who the other guys, Aleks, Joe and Aron, were. She had met everyone except one person who's name also happened to be Joe. When she first came for introductions, she was told by Jordan that he was on vacation visiting family, so she just never had the chance.

She hesitated for a moment, wondering whether she should just head inside or say hey to the guys outside. Deciding against it, Vera heads inside, hoping to find Stefani.

As soon as she typed in the code for the keypad, which took a few tries, she walked into the room, immediately being greeted by Dan.

"Hey, Vera!" He grinned widely, rolling over to her on the hover board. She giggled, waving her fingers at him. They talked for a moment while Dan rolled in circles around her before he retreated towards the kitchen for a water.

"Is Vera here yet?" Stefani moaned from the hallway. Stefani walked out with a small pout on her face but once she saw Vera, it was soon replaced with a large smile and a squeal.

"Stef!" Vera laughs as the other girl runs towards her and engulfs her in a tight hug.

"God, I thought you'd never come back," She joked. On the day they met, Vera and Stefani instantly knew they were going to be best friends and now that Vera was here, Stefani would finally have another girl to talk to in the office. "Let's go look at your office!" She exclaimed, grabbing one of Vera's hands and dragging her down a long hallway.

Once they reached towards the end of it, Stefani stopped in front of a corner office with two large windows in the corner. The walls were white and the only thing in it was a large, black desk.

"I get this whole thing to myself?" Vera gasps, her mouth agape. She'd barely even had a room to herself, let alone an office.

"Yep! It's all yours." Stef giggled, placing both of her hands on Vera's shoulders.

"And I can do anything to it?" Vera asked, her mouth forming into a grin as she thought of all the possibilities. She could paint it pink and hang lights everywhere; paint it black and burn candles, giving off a chill vibe. She could buy a Shia Labeouf cardboard cutout!

'Okay, I'm totally getting one of those,' She thought to herself.

"You can do anything you want as long as you don't destroy it."

"Awe man." Vera snapped her fingers and frowned, causing Stefani to laugh. They both left Vera's new office and back into the main room where they came across the guys, who were sweaty and grassy.

"Vera! I didn't know you were here already!" Jordan exclaimed, bending over with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"You guys ran right by me," Vera raised an eyebrow, confused on how they possibly could not have seen her. She practically stands out with her long, blood red hair with fiery orange tips. It was kind of hard not to notice her.

"Sorry, Vera," Aron said, "here's something for your troubles." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mystery flavored, dumdum pop. Vera happily unwrapped and popped it into her mouth, shoving the wrapper into the pocket of her blue skinny jeans.

"Thanks, Aron," Vera smiled, the stick protruding from her mouth, "I can feed my family now." Aron chuckled, waving goodbye as he stalked off to his office.

"WATCH OUT!" Someone yelled, followed by a loud bang. Everyone flinched as a man Vera never met before ran into the room with a dildo bat, hitting a cardboard box located in the corner of the room.

"Joe, please." Jordan scolded. Joe chuckled, throwing the bat onto the couch and turning to the group of people, his eyes settling on Vera.

"Hi!" He grins holding his hand out for her to shake, "I'm Joe!" Vera realized his grin was extremely contagious as she shook his hand, finding herself mimicking his smile.

"I'm Vera." Her voice was much quieter than his, which he found slightly amusing.

"Wait, are you the new girl?" He asked, squinting his eyes slightly as he tried to remember some information Jordan had told him.

"Joe, we mentioned this in the meeting that we had earlier today." Jordan announced, clicking his tongue against his teeth as he left the room for his office.

Joe muttered an 'oh' as everyone left the room, leaving Vera and him alone.

"Do you think they sell Shia Labeouf cardboard cutouts? Because I want to buy one for my office." Vera said, breaking the small band of silence surrounding them.

"You love Shia, too?" Joe shouted, excitement laced in his words.

"Oh my God, yes!" Vera shouts back, receiving a squeal from Joe.

He ran a hand through his long hair as his grin somehow grew wider, before saying, "I can tell that we are gonna be friends."


We're Going To Be Friends by The White Stripes

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